Harry gave her a sympathetic smile, he leaned over to whisper, "They can smell fear you know; there's no use running."

A small smile graced her lips.

"I'm assuming you understand that part. Number 2: Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice."

"What shampoo do you use?"


He shrugged, "It just smells good that's all."

Why did she have to read this? There were barely any muggle terms here!

"Number 3: Stick up for you, but still respect your independence."

"What's the matter mudblood? Going to cry?" Malfoy started laughing, but immediately halted when Harry's fist came contact with his jaw.

He staggered backward, clutching his offended jaw, "Always standing up for your mudblood girlfriend, aren't you Potter?"

"Don't call her that!" Harry growled, and started forward again. This time however, Hermione stopped him.

She whipped out her wand, "First off Malfoy, "I'm not Harry's girlfriend! Second off, I suggest you stop calling me a mudblood!"

"What are you going to do mudblood? I'm a prefect, you can't do anything to me."

Witha wave of her wand, Malfoy's mouth was gone.

"Number 4: Give you the remote control during the game." Finally, a muggle term.

"What's a remote control?"

Hadn't she explained this before? "It's something that switches the show on a television. You remember what a television is right?"

They nodded.

"What kind of game are they talking about?"

"A sports game; like rugby or football."

They looked confused, but then what's new?

"Well, if there was a television in the wizarding world, Quidditch would be on it. So it would be like your 'guy' giving you the remote and letting you change the game to whatever you wanted, even if he really wanted to watch the Quidditch game."

Lavender snorted, "No guy would ever do that."

"We might!" Ron interrupted.

Parvati rolled her eyes, "Not true."

"Well, we might if we liked the girl enough!" Harry entered the conversation.

Parvati and Lavender smirked, "Oh we know you would Harry." Lavender  batted her eyelashes at him.

Hermione scowled, "Number 5: Come up and put his arms around you."

Lavender and Parvati happily sighed in unison.

"You study too much. We're going outside."

"No, you can go outside, but I'm not."

"Yes you are." Wrapping his arms around her stomach he lifted her out of her seat.


He grinned, "I'll carry you if I have to."

"Number 6: Play with your hair."

He played with one of her curly strands of hair, while she read.

"What happened to your hair?"

She blushed, "Just product I use sometimes."

25 Things A Perfect Guy Would Do [Harmione] °•°Complete°•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora