Nineteen| The "I'm sorry" Cake.

Start from the beginning

"I say we forgive me too" you grinned towards Zen who was still unamused.

"I refuse" his claim was masked by his hand, taking another fork and digging in. You watched excitedly as he chewed it, "it's good." He said, trying not to compliment you. "Full of lies though" he added again just to deflate you a little more.

"I didn't lie though!" You whined. "You never asked me if I knew his highness."

"A lie is a lie" Zen said albeit taking another mouthful of the cake. "This is really good" he said to Mitsuhide who nodded agreeing.

Kiki scoffed, making her way to the cake and taking it away from the two men. "You two are such pigs, at least get some plates" she said, setting the cake on a different table and ignoring their whining. "Mitsuhide ask the maids for some tea" she said turning to the turquoise haired man.

Mitsuhide whined, but shuffled out of the office regardless. You chuckled, the two of them were funny, you could see how they got along with Zen. Speaking of which, you turned to him, "are we good?" You asked offering your had for him to shake.

"No" he deadpanned.

"I'll tell you Shirayuki's favorite flower."

"Deal." He took your hand and shook it almost instantly. "I've always liked you," he added again.

You smiled, "I know."


Once Mitsuhide returned with some plates and tea, the cake was shared between you four. "So should I assume you and Shirayuki are friends?" Kiki asked, seated beside you around the couches in Zen's office.

"Best friends" you nodded.

"That's cool," Mitsuhide complimented, "Zen has a massive crush on her," he pointed a fork at Zen who was still behind the desks doing his paperwork.

"I know" you nodded, "he's been trying to get with her but she wouldn't know the first thing about romance if it hit her upside the head." The three of you snickered and Kiki made a joke about Zen being just as clueless.

Zen, who wasn't enjoying the only three royal guards in the castle laughing and snickering about his love life finally snapped. "Zinnia are you sure my brother is alright with you taking such a long break?"

"Ah he'll be fine."

"You know, Prince Izana has never wanted a royal guard, it's kind of surprising that he would suddenly chose one." Mitsuhide said, you nodded.

"Apparently he only allowed it when he got to chose for himself. I don't know personally why he chose me, but I'm sure it was to spite the people who kept pressuring him to get one" that was partly a lie, but knowing Izana he would do that.

Zen set his pen and took a bite of the piece of cake beside him. "That sounds like him" he said.

"You must be a very talented soldier if he chose you over a lot of the others who've been going after this position for a while now." Kiki spoke up, she had particularly taken a liking to you. You assumed it was because there was a scarcity of female guards around the castle, and seeing one was a breath of fresh air for the both of you.

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