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KAMINARI looked down proudly at his creation. Glancing up at the person attached to the hand he drew on.

"You got a problem with that?" He faked an attitude.

Her grin grew, "Nope."

"Good, it's your turn." The boy placed the pen in her dominant hand and watched eagerly as she drew an O in a left-corner box.

The two passed a single marker back and forth. Filling up each individual box, flooding the girl's skin with ink.

"Playing defense, dear ( l/n )?" Kaminari cooed.

"Possibly." The girl was too focused to let his sneaky small-talk distract her. She handed him the marker. "Why?" With a smirk, their eyes met again. However, the girl was no longer covered in fluttering butterflies. At this moment she was a lioness. Stalking her falsely proud prey, preparing for the pounce.

"I would say that's a pretty smart strategy," Kaminari played his next move. This time blocking her two straight marks on the top row. "But it's not going to win." His ego grew alongside the grin on his face.

( y/n ) pouted, "Come on Kami. Aren't you supposed to go easy on me?" The girl played a simpler move, plopping a mark in the lower corner. Not surrounded by one of her pawns. "Oops." She sighed with defeat.

The boy plotted. Making his planned second to the last move. He laughed at her request. "Sorry ( y/n ), but-"

He was cut off by ( y/n )'s final mark. "Checkmate! Or um, what do you say in Tic-Tac-Toe?" She paused to think as the yellow boy froze in shock of his loss, "Tickity-Tackity-Toes, Denki Kaminari." The girl exclaimed with pride.

"B-But," he was left astounded as the girl beside him snickered with success. Kaminari was surprised at his loss. The boy was positive he would have won, and he had no intentions of losing. After all, he was a persistent hero in training. "Rematch! I call rematch!" Kaminari jumped up and chanted.

"Oh, you're on goat eyes!" The girl excitedly took on his challenge, giggling with a glow in her eyes.

The pair continued to play. Coating each square inch of their skin. Smearing blue ink across their limbs. Two competitive heroes were sprawled on the floor as ( y/n ) drew the final board below the boy's right knee. Right now the score was marked;

 Lightning boy - 25 
Thunder girl - 26
( y/n ) absolutely despised the nickname. Which made Kaminari love it even more.

The girl sighed with proud eyes. "I guess you could try and tie it. But your sad skills will never live up to mine." ( y/n ) moved her pawn in a corner spot and handed him the pen. The boy flicked her forehead and snatched the blue utensil.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆. DENKI KAMINARIWhere stories live. Discover now