51: New Years Eve

Start from the beginning

My eyes shot out wide as the brunette girl said those words. I wanted to chuckle out loud but I held it in. What bloke could possibly be willing to have a threesome with two 6 years?

"Godric you're right. Maybe his twin would like to join" the blonde smirked.

No way......it can't possibly be....

"Fred and George Weasley shagging the both of us? Let's make that a challenge then. No threesome, instead we'll have them both in our own dorm. I call Fred and you can take the other"

My footsteps stopped in my tracks as I heard the girls chuckle more. What a bunch of whores, claiming and calling which one they'd like...I mean it was sick.

What hurt me the most is that they were right. Fred and I aren't together so he wouldn't pass on a threesome with two pretty girls. God, it made me sick to my stomach.

Instead of heading to the fountain, I turned on my heel to head to the bathroom. I rushed and started walking faster. Looking down as I let my feet lead the way to the girls restroom, I rather listen to Moaning Myrtle than hear those other girls.

I passed the great hall and moved on closer to the left side of the corridors. I then passed the bathroom and decided to just walk for a minute. Those girls had got into my head and I should've said something. What a bunch of sick little shits.

Now I didn't know if I should go to that stupid party and just make sure nothing happens or stay in my dorm and reminisce on the memories I had with Fred.


It was now eight and students from the express had now just came back. While mostly everyone was at the supper I'm skipping, I was laying down and playing around with the anklet Fred gifted me. I thought about his words, his touch, his moans, the way he says my name. Even thought about the things I'd do to him and the things he'd do to me if we did end up in my dorm on the "New Years" he planned.

The party was about to happen in an hour and I couldn't decide whether I should go down to the common room and just see the party or just stay in my dorm.

I was sitting on the middle of my bed and still had the anklet in my hand. I pulled up the bottom of the sweats to where it was folded on my leg, then I clipped on the anklet on my my ankle this time. Wearing it had made me feel like Fred was still around. Like Fred knew me.

"Emmmmmm. It's me Lia" a voice said outside of my door. "I seen the Weasleys so I know you're here." She added.

Amelia was usually the one that would comfort me in moments like this but I just didn't know how I could tell her. I got off of my bed and made my way to my door.

I let my hand turn the knob till it opened and In front of me stood a tall beautiful pale girl, Amelia who I haven't seen in a while.

"Lia" I hugged her and took in her flowery sent. She came into my dorm and sat on my bed while I closed my door. I turned around to face her and she looked at my face and made a surprising look.

"Em—oh my Merlin—you look dead. What's wrong?" She asked as I sat next to her.

There was something about hearing "what's wrong" that just grabbed my emotions out of me. All the feelings that were shoved inside of me had now poured out. Now I was sobbing as my head rested on Amelia's shoulder.

When Opposites Attract: A Fred Weasley Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now