46: Waterfall & Weasleys

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   WARNING: just a little act of degrading and roughness.

While on the ground, I had my eyes closed just absorbing the slight breeze and the sounds of the waterfall. The voices and laughs of the crowd near me had brought me peace as well. I laid on the sand that mixed with snow for about five minutes now since George decided to be an arsehole.

Opening my eyes, I caught the sight of Fred washing some sand off himself in part of the waterfall. But Fred wasn't alone, Gabriella was sitting on the rock near him and watched as the water would fall all over him. To the side was Ron, Hermione, and Gin just messing around in the water.

"I brought this back from home, it's been in our broom closet ever since you brought it one time" George had stood near me and in his hand was a Volleyball that I left during the summer.

"Bloody! no way!" I instantly stood and George tossed me the ball. I threw it in the air and as the ball would fall back down, I would slightly push it back up softly with my hands.

"Wow, I thought it was more of a kicking sport. How'd you do that?" George asked me as I would set the ball up and back down to myself. I caught the ball again and placed it on the ground.

"Well first, you can put your hands above your forehead" I demonstrated and he copied. "And now your hands are in a ball shape sort of like this". George had copied the positioning I showed him and grabbed the ball.

"Okay I'm ready now." He said while putting the ball in his hands. He tossed the ball in the air and it flew back down and hit has face.
"That's what you fucking get for rushing. Sort of squat down like bend your knees" I told him and he obliged. "Now, when you're getting ready to push the ball up you can sort of push your body up as well. Make sense?" I told George but he just gave me a concerned look.

Before grabbing the ball back, I unzipped my jumper and threw it behind me on the sand. I seen that Fred had been watching us but I didn't pay too much attention to him. He can entertain Gabriella. I could hear movements of the water which I knew someone was approaching us once I turned around.

"Sorry. Had to take that off so my arms could stretch better." I said after grabbing the ball from George.
"Okay, would you like me to show you?"

"I already know at this point but I suppose" he said while pretending to yawn. I had a lot of practice with setting so I did it effortlessly and now I had felt comfortable now that I could reach my arms out more. George was distracted and looking down at a few rocks.

"George are you even watching?" I asked him while catching the ball.
"Huh? Oh of course- show off" he said while rolling his eyes. I took the ball and threw it at his face and also kicked him his knee while he was distracted. "That's for the water! Arsehole!"

"You prick!" He yelled which I tried running away from, but some arms had grabbed me away from running off.

"Alright- Okay .. George go drown or something" Fred had said while pushing a chuckling and mad George away from me as I stood behind Fred. "Yeah, off ya go now" I said to annoy George and gestured my hand in a wave.

Fred had been watching us the whole time and it was literally nothing but he seemed off. George walked off and went into the water after kicking the ball aggressively. I moved away from Fred to where my jumper was, wasn't too far so Fred stayed in the same spot. I picked up my jumper and set it on a rock after dusting sand off of it. I then hooked my fingers in the waistband of my trousers and pulled them off to drop to my ankles.

"Swimming now?" Fred had took in my body that was now in the swim set.
"No, just thought I'd undress myself and go for a run in the forest" I told him sarcastically as I picked up my trousers and dusted the sand off them.

When Opposites Attract: A Fred Weasley Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now