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   "SLAUGHTER THEM!" Techno’s cry for blood rang through the arena as he raised his crimson coated blade.

   "Aren't those two Dream and George?" Tommy inquired just quit enough for the other team not to hear him, he barely wore any armor and would be killed if he alerted them to his presence.

   "Who cares? I need BLOOD!" Techno stormed towards his unexpecting prey, his lover following suit. They wiped out their prey with ease, surprising considering they barely had any gear.

   "You need to calm dow-"

   "Take that blob man!" Technos taunt interrupted Wilburs attempt to calm his friend. He wore a maddening grin, high off the fights adrenaline.

   "Don't interrupt me!" A guttural growl erupted from technos throat as Wilbur swung his greatsword at him, readying himself to fight yet not maim or kill… Wilbur was Phil's kid and he would be heartbroken if he was heart.

   Tommy watched from the sidelines as he glanced behind his shoulder only to see the border closing in, carried by twin ocelots, "Oh shit! Guys?!" His panic fell on deaf ears as they continued to squabble. He was almost ready to leave them behind when Phil pushed between them, grayed feathers fluffing up in annoyance, "Hey dumbasses! We got company, so shut it!" They fell silent at the eldests words, confusion flooding their onyx eyes. Wilbur turned his gaze from Phil to Techno, who simply gave a small shrug before they posed to attack an approaching group as the barrier stopped a few feet away.

   Two of them had died in the ensuing battle yet luck was on their side as the eldests survived and killed any stragglers.

   "Come on Tech, let's get away from that damned barrier," he grumbled out as he spread his wings out as if to take flight, grabbing Techno on the way.

   As they landed far from the border that continued to move closer Techno spoke softly, "Phil, is something wrong…?" He glanced back at the piglin hybrid, confusion written on his face. "No, nothing's wrong love… let's go Tech, there's a team up ahead."

                               ⋅ ↫ ⋅ • ⋅ ↬ ⋅

   The championship ended shortly after… they hadn't won despite the audiences predictions.

   "Come on! I thought we had it in the bag!" Tommy grumbles under his breath as the group walks through the gateway that leads into the dense forest that surrounds their home in Phil's world.

   All of them complained about their loss except for Phil, he was oddly silent except for quiet bursts of laughter… echoing words the rest could not hear.

   Wilbur looked to his friend before turning to Techno, matching his look of concern. Phil had been… far more violent in killing his opponents then he usual yet they did not ask, not now at least.

   He must be having a bad day, after all what else could be wrong?


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