First day on set

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It was the first day for you being on set for Julie and the phantoms, you got hired to help with choreography for the second season. You already got to hear some of the songs with the other dancers to get some inso already, and luckily you already knew some of the other dancers and staff helping with the show from working on the other shows and movies. But.. you didn't meet the cast yet.

You were super nervous but excited, you wanted to do well to show you could stay on the team and help. The band was rehearsing together just playing their instruments warming up for the day with Kenny telling them what to do. You and the other dancers were stretching and warming up.

I heard Kenny yell out to the band to stop then once everyone was sitting and drinking their water or just chilling you heard Kenny say

"alright everyone i want to start working on the dance for the first scene we are shooting, we have our choreography team here today"

You all were standing together finished with stretching and Kenny looks over at you "and we have someone new here on the team" i looked up at the cast with a small smile trying not to look super nervous. "everyone meet y/n! we are excited to have her here and help you all, and of course we have everyone from last season still helping" Kenny says.

I could see them looking at you but Charlie caught your eye, he was wearing a sleeveless top his muscles really pointing out with the veins in them. You didn't want to stare so you looked down at your feet, you could feel eyes on you. I always thought Charlie was cute from just seeing him in the first season and other shows he was in, and now to be working with him you had play it cool.

Kenny calls out "okay so i saw what they have so far and i think it's great so you guys will watch first then go over and learn together"
The band just shook their heads. Kenny looks over at some guy and nods his head then the song started playing it caught me off guard but i got in my position as everyone else did.

We ran through what we had so far and the song stopped playing, there was silence for a second then everyone clapped, me and a couple dancers laugh a bit catching our breath.

Owen got off the stool behind his drums and hopped down "that looks a bit hard but here goes nothing" Kenny patted his back as Owen walked past Kenny "you got this, all of you! now go on and learn but remember to have fun with it, and pitch in ideas if you have any" Kenny said sounding very excited.

Owen walked over first and came up to me "it's nice to meet you i'm owen" he said as giving me a small side hug which i didn't expect "you are really good at dancing but good luck teaching us" i laughed quietly "nice meeting you too owen, and i've seen you dance before i think you'll do great" i said giving him a soft smile.

Charlie came up to me next standing in front of Owen "hey y/n i'm Charlie it's nice to have someone new on the team" it took me second to process that this was actually happening "oh yeah i'm glad i could join and help out a bit Charlie" You said not being able to hide your smile and he just smiled back.

You all showed the band the steps slowly and started doing it with the song, they were actually picking up pretty fast. Kenny goes and puts a arm around Julie, "okay guys you are doing great but i need the band to go read over some lines to get ready for filming the next couple days then you can all have a break" Kenny walked away and so did the cast going to their bags to grab scripts. You just sat on the floor with the other dancers having a water break before working together for more of the dance.

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