"Well then, are you here to ask my help?" He asked

"Y-Yes, I... want to know how to be around someone who isn't afraid of me and doesn't hate me, so... c-could we... maybe go for dinner? To...you know... g-get some experience so I can maybe change myself." She asked suddenly looking up at him with determined and both slightly scared eyes.

"You do realize you just asked me on a date right?" He said, being blunt as usual.

"YES I realize that dumbass, answer the damn question your robot boyfriend gets all protective of you on me again." She said, slightly ticked off.

"He's not my boyfriend, I'm not into dudes. Sure, when will be going out?" He responded.

Her eyes widened.

"R-Really!?" She asked.

"Yeah, its to help out right?" He said

She shook her head a little, almost snapping herself back to her usual state, "right, all just to help me deal with people." She said, sipping he last of her tea before standing up again.

"Here's my address, pick me up tonight, 8:30." She said handing him a slip of paper.

"Ok" he said taking the paper and sticking it into his pocket.

Genos walked in, with a couple plates of food.

"Oh, you're not staying? I made this for you two because I thought you would stay." He said looking at Saitama and her.

"I guess I could stay a little longer if that's the case..." she said.

So the two sat and ate for a little while as Genos went to work cleaning the apartment.

"Crap! This will never wash out!" Saitama said irritated.

She turned to see him with a fresh sauce stain on his white t-shirt, he was right, it would never wash out of white.

She smirked, and turned back to her plate, taking another bite.

"Nothing for it I guess." He said.

She turned again, when she saw him her eyes shot wide open and she dropped her fork. Saitama stood up and took his shirt off.

She had seen the man fight, she knew he was strong, but his body... she had never been attracted to any man before, but she felt her heart nearly stop at the sight of him.

She scolded herself, he only took his shirt off! Why was she getting so excited!?

He walked into his room and came back out fully dressed this time, in his 'oppai' hoodie and blue jeans.

She had barely calmed her heart down when he came back in the room, she felt attracted to him, she immediately thrusted the thought from her mind. She couldn't be attracted to him! She was only going on that date as practice!

She was lying to herself when she thought those things and she knew it, she LIKED to think it was JUST practice, but when he was sweet to her... he tolerated her... he wasn't afraid of her... her attraction to him... she knew to herself that she liked this man, whether she liked it or not.

"Hey, you okay over there? You sick?" He asked her, he saw her red cheeks and thought she might be getting a fever.

"N-No! I'm fine." She said, finishing her food. She stood up and began to walk out the door before turning, "thank you for the tea and meal... Saitama." She said with a small smile.

"Anytime, see you this evening." He responded with his usual I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck Expression.

"Yeah, I'll be seeing you." She said, with her cheeks quickly turning red before she walked out the door.

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