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I woke up on the sound of ... wait who's snoring ?? 
I got up  as quietly as possible ,went to the toilet  , did my business  then went to the kitchen to make breakfast

Ryan's Pov

So I'm still sleeping  and .. wait is that food I smell ? , or  is chase putting his socks in my nose again ? Nope it's definitely food.
And it's not just any food it's bacon and eggs  .. hmm  ...  
My eyes flew open  who's cooking well it's definitely not Anthony nor Ethan nor Alexa wait ... I looked  around me frantically . " Guys where is she ?where is Alexa ?" I yelled at them and they all jumped out off bed  and ran downstairs

Alexa's POV

Suddenly I heard heavy and multiple footsteps running as if it was a bull race  I turned around and looked at  The boys  and...they did it again  . no shirts .
Then in a second Anthony jumped on me and swinged me in the air for no apparent reason . I started giggling and he tickled me until my ribs hurt 
I hit him on the shoulder multiple times then..he considered putting me down 
"Put her down you dumbass!!" Yelled Ethan.
He puts me down with a shrug.
"She made bacon and eggs bro, can you blame me?"
" okay,Not really" he chuckles.
"Well it won't be happening again any time soon" I say.
" Just give us two more minutes! "
Some times I wonder which one of us is the girl.
After 'two more minutes' the guys come out of the house and rush to the car.
" About time !" I yell, "what took you so long? "

"Nothing just drive" The twins say simultaneously.

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