Chapter 1

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Queen Volcano sat on her throne in the council meeting. "You have made sure secure?" she asked. "Yes, Your Majesty." a yellow-orange dragon-Magma, the head scientist, if she remembered right-said. "Bring him in." said Volcano.

A cage-escape and magic proof- was rolled in. In it was a snarling green dragon. "Interesting..." Volcano purred. "What can he do? Other than magic?" she asked. Magma spoke again. "He can breath underwater and light up." 

"Take him away." the Queen said with a wave of her claw. The cage was rolled out again. "I want at least two more by the end of the month. Council dismissed." Volcano said dismissively. 

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The next day, Flare was on the shore of Pyrrhia. Her friend Spark waited with two cages behind her. 

A white dragon walked by. Flare's necklace warmed up. This was an animus.

She crept closer. The dragon had deadly-looking spikes all over. Flare leaped out and grabbed her. She wrestled her into the cage that Spark had wheeled up behind her. One animus.

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