A girl with no name

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There was once a girl whit no name, no home and no family... She once killed a person in cold blood... so she ended up in mental facility... sometimes everybody used to call her Devils Mary... she DID have a past. Some people thought that she was the serial killer. The police never quite finished the case. In so called Mary's prison she never stopped screaming. All the time same words...

"I will end you all! She will come for me! She'll save me from you! And you all are going to die!"

Then she started laughing and didn't stop until someone came and putt her to sleep. It was a very difficult job to do.

One day the laugh stopped. They check on her in the cell but she was gone... everybody started to look for her and a boy came in the building... he was holding some kind of paper... burning but cold as ice. The boy gave the paper to the doctors and disappeared.

"Come to the top of the mountain..."

All doctors ran out because they were afraid she killed someone... she didn't... all she did was say something...

"We all are just prisoners of this mad, mad world... we are puppets in the game SHE invented to kill each other and well... just like the world we all are mad for which, there is no cure..."

She smiled, laughed and jumped of the cliff. Some people say that they can still hear her crazy laugh when they are on the Devil's Rock... and because of that believes she is still alive. Who knows? Maybe she is just preparing to destroy what must be destroyed...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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