Leah's POV:

I looked over at where Jordan was and saw her smiling and laughing at, what it felt like, every word that girl said. I don't like looking at this scene, not at all. Clearly everyone else, except Carla, enjoys it. It's understandable in one way because they're also her friends, but they seem to have no clue I like Jordan more than a friend and that bothers me. Carla knows though, but only because I told her. Everyone keeps cheering on, although I'm pretty sure neither Jordan nor the other girl can't hear them. Honestly I didn't know Jordan could dance like that, she always told me she's too shy and that she's so bad at it she would never do it voluntarily. But here we are, her doing what she said she never would do for anyone or anything, ever. She might as well kiss that girl soon enough, you can really tell she's falling for her. At least that's what it looks like from here. "Leah are you okay girl?" I hear Carla's soft voice from beside me. "No I'm actually not, don't you see what's happening in front of us?" I whisper back sarcastically. My anger are slowly getting to me, but I don't want to take it out on anyone else, especially not Carla. I know she only wants to help, but I'm not in the mood right now. This night all of a sudden turned out to be an awful night out from my point of view. Almost comparable with the darkest of nightmares one can possibly have. "Hey Leah, even if it looks like it's more to it, I don't think it's that serious. Particularly not from Jordan's side." "How do you know? That looks kind of real to me." I say, pointing my head to where Jordan and that girl are dancing peacefully in the middle of the dance floor. "Trust me, Jordan isn't interested in her. My guess is she's trying to make a new friend and at the same time not letting Dan bullying her for not having any game. You remember?" "Yes I do, but what's that got to do with it?" "Well, Jordan has her eyes at s-" "someone else. Yeah, yeah, yeah I heard her say that yes... That still doesn't matter as it's not me anyways. She can as well break my heart right in front of me so the pain hopefully will go away quicker..." "I happen to know who the lucky girl is, if that's to any help." Carla explains. "YOU KNOW WHO?? Since when? And for how long have you been knowing?" I say a bit chocked by the fact Carla knew, but not me. "So who's the lucky girl then?" I continue. "I can't answer that I'm afraid, but I'm sure you will find out when the time is right." "When the time is right? What are you talking about Carla? I'm so confused." With that being said, I quickly stood up and made my way towards the bartender to grab more drinks. Not that anyone else in the team needed more because they were all drunk af. I gathered a dozen of drinks and lined them up in front of me. I was going to down them all, one by one, as fast as I possibly could in order to ease the pain I felt so strongly inside of me. I got into my fourth shot glas when someone grabbed my wrist. "Leah please don't, I'm starting to worry a lot about your well being and I'm quiet sure I'm not the only one." Carla begged. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this, but I don't bother to care anymore. It might sound ridiculous but I really need those shots to let go of the pain." I respond, now in a clearly drunker state. "Can't you see what you're doing to yourself? You're a drunken mess and still expect the girl of your dreams to come get you? Don't you hear how bad that sounds, not ideal if you ask me." "It's ideal for me as long as the pain goes away, the quicker the better! Now please let me finish this so that I won't suffer any longer." "As you wish, young lady, just take into account that you guys are living together. She will be worried as hell if you get drunker than this, or even if she sees you right now. I warned you at least." Carla said and with that she went back to the table with the rest of the Arsenal girls. I had nothing to lose, I thought to myself. That's probably why I keep drinking even tho I know it's not good for me. Never have I ever been this drunk before, but sadly, or however you look at it, I wasn't done just yet. I glanced over at Jordan one more time and for the first time since she left our table earlier tonight we got eye contact. I saw the worried look on her face, but I was too drunk to be able to process it any further. I quickly looked away as the pain filled up my chest once more this evening. The ninth shot it was to be taken, and I couldn't have downed it faster no matter how hard I would've tried. A second later the tenth was downed as well, which meant I only had two glasses left. Maybe it's time to refill the shot glasses soon, I figured.

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