
Start bij het begin

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lina giggled.

"You're beautiful." He uttered, not breaking eye contact.

The corners of Lina's lips lifted at his compliment. "Well I am struggling with flu symptoms right now so I probably look like shit. But thank you." She gave his nose a little beep, "now are you going to listen to me or just stare at me all day?"

Yunho turned and snuggled his face into her stomach that was covered with his hoodie. "I could stare at you all day."

"Life is tough, honey." She cupped his jaw and forced him to face her, his sheets were squished so his lips mushed together in a sloppy pout. "You can let me know how it goes after."

Yunho eventually grunted and sat up. He glanced at the satisfied girl one more time before packing his stuff sluggishly. Lina just watched his every move from her crossed leg position on her bed. "I know it's tough but just remember that you have me, okay?"

Yunho swung his bag over his shoulder and smiled at the girl. "It worked, y'know." He said.

Lina was confused by what he meant, "what did?"

"The butterfly."

Lina's shoulders dropped as well as her expression. She stood up in front of his and wrapped her arms around him tightly, resting her head on his chest. She hates knowing that he felt that urge again.

"I thought about you, you stopped me." Yunho said, making her look at him. He petted her head and smiled at her sincerely. "You're my saviour, Lina."

Lina's stomach fluttered at his words and her heart...I don't know...she'd never felt this odd feeling before and it scared her. More so that it was Yunho making her feel this way. What does this mean? She questioned.

Before her thoughts could become more dangerous, she cleared her throat and pulled away from Yunho. "You should get going, Felix is going to be here soon."

Yunho nodded and they both made their way downstairs. Lina said goodbye to the tall blonde as he left and watched as he drove off. She shut the door and jumped on the sofa in the living room where san was sitting. "Ow!" He groaned.

"Oh shut up, I didn't even touch you."

San giggled and then they settled into a comfortable silence as they watched a cartoon on the tv.

"I have something to tell you." San spoke.

Lina looked at him and cocked her head to the side. "What is it?"

"I'm moving out."

Her eyes widened and her whole body turned in his direction. "Really? Why? Where to?"

"Well, I got offered a well paying apprenticeship at a motor company and with that money I am able to afford a small apartment close by. It's only a one bed but it's perfect."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah. I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life, it's your home not mine. But I still appreciate everything you've done for me."

"When are you leaving?"

"After finals. They are in a few weeks so I need to focus on studying before anything else."

Lina's bottom lips stuck out, "I'm gonna miss you."

San giggled and held his arms out, inviting Lina into a hug and she accepted. "I'm gonna miss you too."

"Who's bed am I supposed to climb in when I feel lonely?"

"Don't worry. I'll leave you a plushie you remember me by."

Lina faked a gasp. "You're willing to give away a plushie for me?"

He showcased his dimples as a wide smile crept upon his lips. "Of course." He cooed, pinching her cheeks.

At the moment, the doorbell rang. "That must be Felix. I'll see you later, Sannie."

Lina jumped up and skipped to the front door, revealing her only friend outside of school. "You're late." She said, grinning.

Felix ruffled her hair and pulled her outside and then into his car. "Stop winging and get in. I'm still mad that you cancelled our previous plans."

"Sorry, I forgot it was Yunho's birthday weekend."

"Don't worry about it. At least I have you all to myself this evening."

"What are you planning?"

"Ice cream."

They arrived at the ice cream shop and ordered their preferences before sitting in a booth and conversing naturally. Lina felt like she could tell Felix anything. He found her in her most vulnerable state and helped her when no one else would.

"So you're telling me, you pretended to be in a relationship just so this girl would stop bullying you, and then you had sex with Yunho while you were in this supposed relationship."

"You can really tell I have my life together, right?" Lina joked as she stuffed her mouth with bubblegum ice cream.

"It would explain why you look like shit." Felix teased.

"I'm not even going to retaliate because I feel how I look." She sighed. "I promised Yunho to stop with the drugs and alcohol."

Felix's eyes widened. "And you listened?"

She nodded.

"Jesus. I've been trying to do that since I met you. Why so sudden?"

"I don't even know. Something is just different when it comes to Yunho. I've known him my whole life and he's the only one who truly understands me and I owe him at least this. Besides, he only wants the best for me and I appreciate that."

"Are you sure you don't like him?" Felix snickered.

"I'm positive. You know I don't do relationships."

"What about him? What if Yunho wants a relationship?"

"That's dumb. If he did, then I'm sure he wouldn't want to with me."

"What makes you so sure?"

"I just know."

Felix leaned his cheek on his palm as he revised the girl sitting opposite him. "So oblivious." He muttered to himself.

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