The Choosing Ceremony

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The stars twinkled in the clear night sky as Hogwarts came into view. A blanket of calm fell over me as I absorbed the warm amber light that shone through the windows and emanated from the candles that lined the stairs. I surveyed each turret and every arch of a window. A little ball of pleasant heat formed in my chest as I realized that it already felt like home and peace. I wondered if the majestic castle had the same affect on everyone. When  I saw Ron and Hermione's small smiles, I knew it did. Hogwarts was beautiful.

"Where do you think Harry is?" Hermione asked, suddenly concerned. Her voice was smooth and soft.

"I dunno, probably in a carriage with the twins or something." Ron replied, nonchalantly.

Hermione seemed to settle with this answer, probably more from hope than belief.

My eyes fell back to the castle, focusing on the lake below, with the faint lights from the boats that danced in the water's reflection like little fairies, and then lifting my gaze to the craggy, perfectly disorganized rock formations that Hogwarts sat upon. Shifting my eyes up again to the tall towers which seemed to grow increasingly larger as we approached. The quiet that fell over us as we all beheld the castle was becoming, fitting.

The carriage drew to a halt before the seemingly infinite steps and we clambered down off the cart. 

"Do you guys see Harry anywhere?" Hermione asked, her eyes flickering to and fro, searching.

I began to do the same, though it was obvious he wasn't here.

"Hermione, calm down. He's probably just taking some time to cool off and collect his thoughts." Ron reassured. 

Hermione nodded but looked completely unconvinced. 

"Come on, lets make our way up and find him." I suggested, leading the way to the steps despite being the one who had never been to Hogwarts before. Hermione and Ron followed.

It was uncharacteristically quiet for a large group of excited students walking to see their friends for the first time in weeks, but I guessed it was resultant of the aweing castle, the night and the still air without so much as a breeze. It had a tranquilizing effect. 

My shoes made a satisfying click on the cobblestoned stairs, marking each step as a step closer, until we eventually reached the top. The doors alone towered over us, but the castle was enormous. I imagined the extensive amount of passageways to explore and was filled with thrill, tapping my shoes together excitedly.

More and more students congregated by the front steps, thousands, but none of them appeared to be Harry, and even Ron was looking nervous now.

"I'm sure he's fine," he muttered, more for himself than anyone else.

The doors creaked open and a woman in velvet, red robes appeared. She had wiry, black hair laced with hints of silver, and deep frown lines carved into her face from years of focus and concentration.

"Hello everyone," she announced, taking her wand to her throat and performing an amplifying charm so she could be heard by everybody. "And hello first years, I am Professor Vector. I teach Arithmancy here at Hogwarts. This year we are running some routine checks before you may enter the castles,  so everybody prepare your luggage to be examined.

"What?!" Ron cried in whispered shock.

"Their tightening security, now that Voldemort's back. Makes sense, really" Hermione whispered back.

"As if bag checks would stop Voldemort from waltzing in." Ron scoffed, clearly displeased by the idea of having his personal belongings looked over.

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