Chapter 1 - A Discovery

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Bad was sitting in front of the Karl statue that he made for Karl, now covered in vines. He saw hallucinations of Robin and Corpse running around and playing, Helga watching and smiling like a proud mother at the right of the statue. He smiled, then frowned, remembering how the village ended up. How the 'family' ended up. He saw another hallucination on the left, of Charles, Cleetus, and Isaac talking and laughing together, and calling him as Benjamin over to talk, Isaac holding out a hand. He smiled sadly, only to see another hallucination of the members of the masquerade talking and having fun, drinking too. And one last one of Bloomington, and a ghost of John John, all like a happy family. He didn't realize it, but he was crying. He missed them so much. They all were like family to him, despite being with them for a short period of time.

"Bad? Are you alright?"

"GAH- Oh! Karl!" Bad exclaimed, jumping a bit, then smiling, wiping his tears immediately. Then he replied, "Yeah, I'm good! Why do you ask?"

"Bad... You were literally just crying..." Karl mumbled, sitting down next to his 9'6-feet-tall friend. Bad went silent, then looked away. Karl was concerned, and ended up hearing Bad mumbling something. This is what he could pick up:

" much..."

"Bad, who do you miss?" He then asked. Bad's body stiffened, not expecting that.

"What?" Bad asked, looking at Karl.

"Who do you miss?" Karl repeated, starting to get suspicious of Bad.

"I-" Bad said, then hesitated for a moment before sighing. "Alright. I can trust you to not tell anyone, right? Especially Geppy."

"Of course," Karl replied, smiling a bit. "You can most definitely trust me!"

"Well, you were there, with me and the people that I miss." Bad starts, looking down, then looks up at Karl to see a confused expression, so he continues. "Y'know, the village or town called 'Not a Very Good Town' Town, the City of Mizu, Sir Billiam's mansion, Bloomington, y'know?"

Karl was silent. And shocked as well. Bad was with Karl all that time? And he didn't know? His eyes were wide, but told Bad to continue by asking what he meant by that, as well as who he was.

"Uh-" He began, starting to blush from embarrasment. His character as Lord Sebastian was gonna be weird to explain. Karl was looking at him to continue. "Mayor Jimmy, Benjamin, L-Lord Sebastian, and uh, William Williamson."

Karl knew something was up with Benjamin, but he didn't expect any of what just came out of the part demon-part human friend of his sitting in front of him.

"I- Are you serious?! Wait- Why did you drink so much as Sebastian then?!" Karl exclaimed, brushing a hand through his hair. There was quite a bit to take in. Bad chuckled nervously, before answering:

"Basically, I had to do that to not raise any suspicion of a difference with my character. I learn about the person I'm gonna become before I become them, since it normally happens about halfway through their life, or if something odd or new is gonna happen. It tasted like the alcohol that I accidentally drank once too, and it tasted really good to me, like as if it was some sweet juice or something" Bad replied, starting to rant.

"Wait, I wanna know. How did it feel being with Helga?" Karl then asked, starting to smile a bit mischievous.

"I got flashbacks to the time I went on a date with Quackity," Bad answered with a monotone and an 'I'm done with this' voice. Karl started to giggle a bit.

"And what happened to the picture of Skeppy?"

"It burned in the lava that I fell in. And yes, I had my XP bar still there somehow as well."

After a few questions, like "Were you okay when you were William Williamson?" (NO) and "Did you really kill Liaria?" (yes. it felt good.), they all were successfuly answered Bad.

Karl was still pretty shocked. Then he asked:

"You knew about me all that time?"

"Yes, Karl. I was genuinley shocked to see you at that village, and it seemed to be that you were the odd thing to happen, as there were suddenly murders in the village," Bad answered. "Then I sensed a similar aura in Isaac. Not to mention that he sounded like you as well. Then you appeared in both the masquerade and Bloomington, and I kinda expected you to be there both times, more when I was in Bloomington. But do you even remember Connor and Dream?! How were they there?"

Then there was silence. Bad was very confused. Karl got even more shocked and confused than how he was before. Then, in perfect timing, Connor came. The two snapped their heads towards the man in the Sonic onesie, which both startled him and freaked him out.

"W-What? Is there something wrong with me?" He asked, looking at them.

"No no no! There's nothing! You just happened to conveniently appear here!" They both said at the same time.

Mr. Pants was confused at what the other two meant by that.

"We've got some questions to ask you," Bad said, loosening up. "First of all, how were you in Bloomington? If you don't know where that is, that's a really small town with a bunch of stalls or stores and a large church."

Connor was astonished. How did they know?

"How do you know?" Connor asked back.

"I was there, so was he, but I was more obvious," Karl replied. "Now you answer our question."

"I don't know, I just woke up there and was stuck there for a while, the other two bandits were the only people around that also helped me, so I decided to stick with them. Wait... you were that guy helping out the bartender, weren't you?" Connor answered, then asked a question.

"Yep! And Bad was the store clerk," Karl answered once again. Then Bad gasped, before asking,

"Time Travel Trio?"

And the other two just looked at him and looked at him with a confused look.

"Our secret little group! I-If you're okay with it, of course!" He added on.

Connor and Karl just agreed to the idea, smiling. They decided to talk about it, telling Connor about other tales because he wasn't there for those ones. They also decided to stay at Karl's because it got dark and they didn't want to split.

Little did they know, things were gonna get weird...

1056 Words

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