
The attack came not from the front, nor from the behind-but from the side in the form of Rust's jaws clamping down upon the creature's arm. He felt the bone snap upon the force of his jaws, blood soaking through fabric as his teeth pierced thick layers of clothing and vulnerable skin. The strange creature bleated out, and fell to the ground with relative ease as multiple pops of gunfire range out in frantic pulls of the trigger. The ground exploded from the stray piercing of the bullets, bark rupturing in wooden shrapnel.

The rustic hued male snarled like a rabid beast, a killing claw rising and thrusting deep into the attacker's abdomen. The breath hitched, blood rupturing from the small mouth. He went the warmth of the beast's innards invade his toed claw, saw the white in its eyes grow in terror and become glossy. Rust retracted his killing claw from the two legged creature, and punched through the layers of clothes and flesh again-twice, and then thrice.

Upon retracting his gutting claw for the third time, Rust released his jaws from holding down the threat.

The former Alpha stood up, and stepped over the predator turned prey, eyes focused upon E.

He was content to leave it alive, and let it bleed to death.

Rust neared the downed female, noticing the pool of blood that formed under E. He saw the blood trickling from a small wound. His nares flared, and his head cocked as he leaned down to further inspect. E was breathing, if slow and shallow.

She was not awake.

His clawed hands clenched and unclenched, unsure of what to do.

In his silent debating, the male noticed something approach.

Something larger than the creature that attacked E.

Something larger than Rust.

A serpentine hiss announced the approach of the beast, and a black head with predatory, amber eyes emerged, head quilled.

The Indoraptor emerged from the foliage, attracted by the sound of human screams and gunfire-and by the scent of blood.

But most importantly, by the scent of E.

When his amber eyes narrowed upon the familiar sight of E-seeing her laying upon the ground in a pool of blood, wounded-his whole world turned red.


When E awoke, she found herself surrounded by a wall of warmth, the Indoraptor cradling her body in his. His snout nuzzled against her, black lips caressing her scales as his hot breath ran along her head and neck. His tongue gently, tenderly lathered her head to try and draw the red and white female into wakefullness.

E's scaled lids fluttered open, blue irises opening through heavy lids, laden and groggy. Her breath hitched, and a tiny squeak escaped from her throat. It felt like she was parched, and something was dry within her throat.

She still hurt.

But the pain from her wound was dulled by the sense of warmth and security that radiated from the black and gold male's larger form, the feeling of his scales gliding against hers as he nuzzled her smaller body. A deep, guttural purr riveted from his throat, and the large raptor continued to preen and clean the small female.

When E's eyes focused upon the large male-her head embedded against his broad chest, his neck craned to look upon her-her throat tightened. E's excitement grew, and a series of chatty squeaks, chirps and whistles akin to chick escaped her throat. Her tail wiggled ever so slightly, and her neck extended to desperately boop and rub against the vivid male's chest, his neck, and his larger head, a purr vibrating from her throat.

He was here!

He came back!

The thought of the Indoraptor having hurt her was pushed from her mind.

E did not even think of it.

All that mattered was the fact that he was here, keeping her safe and warm.

E wasn't alone, and that was all that mattered.

The onyx and gold male released a pleased croon, his tail thumping against the earth. His black lips twisted into a gnarled smile, crimson staining his teeth and scaled maw. E either did not notice-or did not care if the blood was her own, or the creature that attacked her.

E did not care, even as she pressed her snout to his, breath intermingling and tongue slipping passed her scaled lips, giving the hybrid a thankful lick.

E could feel the Indoraptor's tense muscles fall lax, and feel a strong breath escape him. He pressed his head against hers, and closed his eyes.

Smelling her.

Feeling her.

He did not open his eyes for a long time.

He was just glad E was safe.

It was the least he could do, after hurting her.

He never meant to hurt her.

E would never be hurt again.

Not after today.

Not if he could help it.


I'm not sure when I will update next.

Realistically, E probably wouldn't survive a shot from a hunting rifle. But then again, where she was shot was never specified, so her living can be taken with a grain of salt.

I've also been thinking of writing a one shot series just about fluffy things between E and the Indoraptor. Just to get a break from the darker elements of this story, or just base it post Broken Raptors where they start a little raptor family. Because why not?

Either way, thank you for putting up with my bullshit.

Stay safe!


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