Chapter 14

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Not the best chapter, but it's better than nothing.

Sorry for any spelling errors. I hate proofreading, but I usually find errors no matter how many times I reread my shit. And even then I miss things.

I don't feel like this chapter is as good as it could have been, but I at least wanted to write something with E and the Indoraptor.


A deafening noise pierced the sky, echoing in rumbles along the rolling Californian hills.

E dropped.

Rust fled.

The red female lay upon the hard ground, warm sanguine soaking the earth and darkening her scales.

E didn't know what happened.

She was standing, and then she was on the ground.

She hurt.

E's eyes were wide and white in horror, her breathing swift and ragged. Her limbs spasmed and twitched as she attempted to rise, to get up, to move, to flee away from the danger she did not know was there.

Her heart was pounding fiercely within her chest, swift and frantic, breast welling with the cold grasp of dread. E tried to call out, to cry for help.

All that came from her maw was gargled blood.

E never tasted her own blood before.

It was scary.

It was coating her throat, making it harder to breathe.

It felt like she was drowning.

Her throat convulsed, and in a ragged cough, her throat was cleared in a glob of thick blood that spritzed upon the ground.

A gargled, panicked breath of a rasp escaped her.

The sound of footfalls hit the ground, and the cracks of breaking foliage hit E's ears.



Breathing heavy.

E attempted to call out, to cry out as Rust approached.

When E managed to twist her neck just enough to look in the direction of the footfalls, she did not see Rust.

She saw a scary looking creature, the color of leaves and dirt, its breathing heavy and labored upon two legs. Its body was shaking. It held something at her within its hands.

If the creature was scared of E, E was even more scared of it.

E didn't want to be hurt.

E didn't want to be in pain.

She already hurt too much.

She didn't want to hurt more.

Her body trembled in terror, muscles twitching and attempting to move, attempting to rise.

Fear, dread and the metallic taste of blood welled within her mouth, blue eyes fixed upon the scary creature, pupils dilated.

This scary creature was going to kill her.

To eat her.

To hurt her.

E was unsure what happened next.

All she saw was a blur of colors before everything went black.

What she heard in unconsciousness was the sounds of predator turned prey.

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