Sir Xanrath drew his sword, and his steed sprang forward to counter the terrible roar and fury of their opponent. It seemed nothing could stand against such a charge, and that surely Sir Xanrath would suffer horrendously in the devastating collision, but the collision never came. As the beasts drew close, Sir Xanrath's steed changed its course, falling to the right and lying with its belly close to the ground. Sir Xanrath shifted in his saddle as the speed of the opposing beast carried it by, with Sir Draimar's lance passing close overhead. With a precision of movement, the younger knight brought his rail-shield in a sweep, which hooked his opponent's weapon and brought it into the ground. Metal shattered and wheeled, Sir Xanrath pulled himself upright, his steed rose and turned, Sir Draimar drew his sword, the riders closed, and the machine fell back into rhythm.

Now it fell to sword against sword, the beasts staying close together, turning about each other as their riders exchanged practiced blows.

"Do they feel no fear?" Dak asked her father as the swords continued to clash.

"I am supposing that they must, but it is not stopping them."

"I cannot be starting to imagine what it would be like to face someone who has the intention of doing me harm. I can only think that the experience would be terrible."

"It is never a thing I have had to face, and you should be thankful that, as an Engineer, it is not something that will ever be worrying you. Not unless you become a wandering rogue like Vlontell, at any ways."

The end came with surprising swiftness.

It seemed that neither knight could penetrate the other's clockwork defence, until Sir Draimar brought the superior strength of his steed to bear. With an echoing roar, the beast lowered its head and crashed its horns into the other's flank, twisting steed and rider about. Sir Xanrath struggled to keep the rhythm of his defence as one of Sir Draimar's blows caught him on the gorge-plate beneath his helm, forcing him back in his saddle, and he was only saved from tumbling by his steed's swift retreat across the ring. Apparently sensing victory close, Sir Draimar called for his steed to charge, and again they closed the gap in a fury, while his opponent still fought to recover.

At least that is how it seemed to Dak, but the fight was not finished.

Sir Xanrath's steed had fallen back to crouch at the ring's inner circle, but as Sir Draimar closed, the beast leapt obliquely away from the attack. The impetus of his opponent's charge carried knight and steed by without a blow being struck. The larger beast had gone barely a metre before Sir Xanrath turned in pursuit. Sir Draimar shouted for his own steed to turn, but they were too slow, their momentum too great. They were already close on the outer perimeter before the larger madriel had slowed enough to turn, and as it began to move, Sir Xanrath's steed crashed into its side. One horn grappled the other beast's neck, and metal sheathed claws gripped the wide armour of its shoulders, the sudden unexpected charge bearing the madriel sideways.

As the two beasts struggled, Sir Xanrath struck with his own blade, and though Sir Draimar deflected the blow with his rail-shield, he was driven back in his saddle and was suddenly overbalanced. His steed's claws scrabbled at the perimeter line, and it was a testament to its strength that it kept itself within the ring. But there was no place to retreat to, and no margin for movement, and a second skilful blow from Sir Xanrath's sword sent Sir Draimar further off his balance. With a final snarl of effort, the lighter madriel heaved upwards, sending the opposing knight and steed crashing to the earth.

Another machine had broken.

The wild cheering of the crowd almost drowned the karabok horn's single long note. Sir Xanrath's steed disengaged and backed away into the inner circle, growling and snarling at his defeated foe, which had regained its feet and was crouched beside its fallen rider, a deep snarling echoing within its helm.

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