Chapter 10 - downwards slope

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i walked out of the , meeting Spencer halfway around the car we were both nervous and happy to be telling the team the big news "you nervous?" Spencer asked "a little bit"i replied linking my hands around his neck standing on my tippy toes, my lips millimeters away from his.


i sighed "you go in i'll be there in a sec" i pecked his lips. i answered my phone as he disappeared into the building.

"hello?" i answered without looking at the caller ID "hello Olivia" a all to familiar voice traveled through the phone. i froze, my brain swirling so many different thoughts.

the phone was filled with a cackle "cat got your tongue?" i still couldn't speak.........i was paralyzed and shocked still asking myself how?.

"do you miss me yet?"was the last thing i heard before a flash of light corrupted my vision, i went flying soon my body made contact with the hard concrete. i heard yelling as the darkness consumed me.


"you go in i'll be there in a sec" Olivia said before leaving a quick kiss on my lips.

i walked into the bull pen with a giant smile plastered on my face "Reid wheres Olivia?..........and why are you so happy?"Morgan asked "she's taking a call outside"I replied avoiding the other question hoping he would drop the subject.

"okay but you didn't answer my other question" my smile grew into a grin just thinking about it. Morgan just sat confused "wait did Dr Reid get some" he said smirking.

i sat my messenger bag on my desk about to make up an excuse for why i was smiling when a loud explosion noise shot through the BAU, i looked over at Morgan the grin wiped of my face. i ran to a near by window, shocked at the site of fire and ash floating in the wind, i looked closer from the window noticing a body......Olivia.

"OLIVIA!"i screamed earning a few glances from my colleagues, i ran down the stairs, with Morgan trying to stop me. I stepped outside locating Olivia's body laying on the ground.

i collapsed by her side "O-Olivia......Olivia wake up p-please wake up please d-don't l-l-leave me"i stuttered as the rest of the team ran out of the building. "Spence"JJ yelled, tears gathered in my eyes making my vision blurry. i took Olivia's left hand in mine, i quickly glanced at it first, but something was missing.....her engagement ring.

my head snapped up and my eyes frantically traced over the damage, i looked at the team out the corner of my eye, concern and confusion in their eyes.

"Reid what are you looking for?"Hotch asked we were still waiting for the ambulance......where on earth is it?.

"a ring"i mumbled focusing my gaze back on Olivia her face covered in scratches and forming bruises. i could hear the sound of sirens in the distance "Olivia please wake up.....we need you.......i need you"i pleaded.

JJ knelt down beside me as the rest of the team evacuated the surroundings, i refused to leave Olivia's side "Spence?" i looked over to her tears slipping down my cheeks "what does the ring look like?" more tears rolled down my cheeks "um....silver with a amethyst jewel and diamonds either side of it" i explained fixing my gaze back on Olivia, the Medics ran towards her.

I know the probability of her survival..........

(hey guys thanks for Reiding aawww poor Olivia :( by the way i never thanked you guys for 359 Reids aahhh thats crazy anyway stay awesome Gubler nation)

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