saving her 🥺🥺🥺

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a/n I know this is supposed to be a joke but i felt like i should say that i do mention depression and EDs. This isn't making fun of the illnesses, its making fun of the tone deaf writers on this platform, bye x 

They didn't speak after that. Like literally they went back to square one. This meant that y/n evershine got crippling depression and like most mental illnesses. It's totally realistic really. she hadn't eaten in days and her eyes had grey bags under them. She was in the bathroom crying, it had gotten to much for her. "why won't u talk to me dwako🥺ur dick felt nice" y/n whisperd"
Her crying became sobs and she raised her wand and  began firing hexes around the room.smash smash smash. each hex only made her more angry. there were cuts and slashes all over her arms and legs because the glas was springing all over the room.
"y/n ?" a voice came from behind. dwako walked up behind the girl ans grabbed her. pulling her down ans grabbing her wand. they fell to the floor ans dwako held her in his arms and let her cry "its ok mudblood. cry." he felt guilty tho. "sorry for not speaking to u. i miss ur puthay too uno" was all he could say. they stayed there in a jumble of bones and skin ans shit. tears in both of there eyes.

Drakows Mudblood Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu