I Can't Leave You

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The ship was slowly going down and at the top of the ship on deck all the trolls trying to get on it was chaos.

''What is this luggage doing here?'' Asked one of the captian. 

They couldn't take stuff with them only themselves,  they made sure the woman and childen got on first Gia goes over and kisses Dickory as she has to leave him to catch the next one going down she was crying not wanting to go.

Creek was running though the crowd trying to find Poppy he wasn't gonna leave without her and he saw Groth coming up who had been looking. ''Groth any sign of her?'' Creek asked.

''No she not on the starboard side neither.'' He said.

''We are running out of time, this idiot troll martinet isn't letting any men on board.'' Creek said.

Groth looked around and leaned in. ''There is one on the other side letting men in.''

''That's our play then, but we need insurance first though come with me.'' Creek said.

Inside the ship crew trolls were getting the other trolls out and one door burst opened with Branch and Poppy coming out of it wet and tired.

''What do you think your doing?'' Asked a ship troll. ''Your gonna have to pay for that.

They looked around for an exit annoyed with this troll they both turned around. ''SHUT UP!'' Both screamed together and took off holding hands.

Up top one lady was waiting. ''Can you wait one moment I need to go back in and get something from my room?''

Sunset picked her up and placed her in the boat. ''Stay there!''

''That's the last of them.'' Sunset said.

''Prepare to lower.'' Sunset said.

''Sunset why are the boats launching only half full?'' Asked Gristle who was upset he wanted to save as many as they can.

''Not now Gristle.'' Sunset said.

''See look 20 in a boat made for 60 and I saw another boat with only 12.'' He pointed out.

''We weren't sure about the weight Sir?'' Sunset said.

''Rubbish.'' Gristle shouted. ''These boats were tested in Bellfast with 70 men on them.'' He said.

Sunset nodded. ''I need more woman and childen!''

A lot of ships were being lowered, Guy Diamond and some of the others came to an area that was far from the exit. ''Guy said.

The lower class trolls were at the gate upset. ''You can't keep us caged down here like animals, the ship is bloody sinking.

''Bring foreward the woman.'' One said coming over and unlocking the gate.

''Woman and childen only!'' One called.

The other trolls tried to get back out and Branch and Poppy came though the door in the same gated area as the others.

One troll named Chase came over to Branch and Poppy. ''Can we get out?'' asked Branch.

''Not that way.'' Chase said.

''Whatever we got to do we have to do it fast.'' Branch said.

Suddenly Guy, Biggie and Cooper came over. ''GUY!'' Shouted Branch who hugged him.

''The ships are all gone and we are making rafts so that the others can escape as well but there is another way out as well.'' Guy said quietly.

''Lets go this way!'' Branch said as him and Poppy with Guy took off.

Creek was back in his room getting some important stuff that he would need or want. ''I make my own luck.'' 

''So do I.'' Groth said showing a gun he had.

Branch, Poppy, Guy and Chase were running looking though which way to go. ''This way Branch said pulling Poppy with him. They ran past some trolls trying to find there way and they ran down one hallway and came to another exit.

''Everything will be sorted just be patient.'' One troll said to the others who had the gate closed.

Branch had an idea. ''Go back to the main stairwell.'' The troll said.

Branch stood in front. ''Open this gate! Open this gate right now!'' He demanded.

''Go back.'' The troll called.

Branch went to a bench. ''Boys help me!''

Guy, Cooper, Chase and Biggie pulled up the chair.

''Move to the side!'' Poppy said pushing them out of the way.



3!'' Shouted Branch as they charged.

They made a dent. ''AGAIN!'' Branch shouted.

Finally the gate fell open and all the trolls poured out. ''This way Poppy.''

Chase lifted her over the chair as they took off. ''You can't go this way the crew troll said as Chase punched him.

Up top a lot of male trolls were fighting trying to get on the boat nearly knocking one into the water.

''Keep Back!'' Shouted Sunset and the others holding the trolls back.

''Keep back or I'll shoot keep order!'' Sunset demanded.

A lot of trolls in the back were on a boat Creek and Groth were trying to get on but missed it.

''We are too late.'' Creek said.

''More boats down the front stay with this one with Mr. Murdoc he seems very logical.'' Groth said. 

A lot of trolls were cutting the ropes so the others wouldn't join and it was hard to keep order for Sunset and all the others. One crew troll shot the gun as everyone quieted down. 

''Its all falling apart.'We don't have much time.' Creek said.

''Murdoc!'' Creek called.

''Ahh Mr. Creek come with me, you other two trolls as well.'' He said.

''I'm a consort as you know and I have a proposition for you.'' Creek said.

The ship was sinking there was still plenty of space everyone ran to the front of the ship. Branch and Poppy finally made it to the deck. ''Come on Poppy.'' Branch said.

They ran and saw the boats were gone. ''The boats are gone!'' Shouted Poppy shocked there were still so many on board.

Branch and the others ran and he looked over to see the boats were in the water. They went up to another crew member. ''Colonal are there other boats on that side?'' Asked Branch.

''Sorry guys no but there is a boat up forward follow us.'' The older troll said.

The ones playing the instuments stopped. ''Nobody is listening to us.'' One said.

''Still lets keep playing to made ourselves warm.'' Another one said.

''Music to calm there nerves, now I know I'm in first class.'' Chase said shaking his head as they all took off.

Creek and the others were waiting. ''Where are the others?'' Asked Murdoc.

''Do we have an agreement?'' Asked Creek shoving money into the trolls coat.

Here we go more to come..

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