He feels it very difficult. In the eyes of a foodie, delicious food is the ultimate goal of his life. Perhaps in the eyes of other nobles, this invitation letter from a civilian barbecue restaurant is totally beneath them. However, the third prince who is such a foodie feels that this is much more valuable than the invitation letter of the Royal Jockey Club or a noble wine party.

Bringing a partner is such a big problem for him until he runs into a woman in a pink tutu.

This beautiful woman does not wear any makeup and only her lips are coated with a light lipstick. Her hair is loosely tied up and it's bud-like hairstyle. A small crown of diamonds is on her head and it makes this woman's gorgeous face looks dignified.

"Brother, do you need to learn etiquette class again?"

The woman smiles gently without showing her teeth with an impeccable gentle expression. However, it makes the third prince twist. The foodie immediately gets an idea. He raises the invitation letter in his hand, "Beautiful princess, your younger brother is just about to invite you to attend a dinner party which may not be very luxurious but will absolutely be very delicious."

"Dinner party?" The princess takes over the invitation letter. Her side face looks extremely gentle when she is thinking.

The third prince feels that if the princess keeps smiling so "gently" like this, his stomach will also twitch.

Why does he have a feeling of vomiting? Is it because he had two extra chicken legs at lunch?


No silver plates, no candlesticks, no candles, no red dining table cloth? However about flowers or fruit? Are you dreaming? Definitely not!

Damn it! There's not even a crystal chandelier here.

Businessmen come here with their female companions who are all dressed up and walk through the former shop which is still not closed. They feel so embarrassed but they have to bear it for making money. However, when they come to the backyard, they feel restless again.

Well, there is a big oak tree in the yard and the space under the tree is enough for two large round tables. There are no chandeliers but there are some red lanterns on the trees which look a little warmer than dancing candlelight. This may be the only reason why businessmen and their female companions don't leave immediately? They all agree that it has an exotic atmosphere.

Colin Weir smiles like a pimp. He is very attentive and tries to guide everyone to sit around the table. It is a pity that one of the eight invitations receivers doesn't come yet and Colin has already served food.

Two beautiful young girls with rare black hair and black eyes among Nami people are holding big white plates on which red chilies are stuffed with small pieces of meat.

"This is spicy chicken. Enjoy! "

Spicy chicken? A new dish? Merchants feel it interesting and they can count on Hot Girl which may be showing them what dishes can chilies match.

However, it is strange that they don't provide smaller plates... these guests are not close friends and this is very rare according to the dining etiquette of Nami people.

Since they have been here, they can only try it. Many people struggle for a while and still taste the chicken nuggets with spoons.

It's so spicy! Their throats are smoking! The merchants who try the dish burst into tears, not knowing whether to swallow or vomit.

Etiquette... Nami is an aristocratic planet of ceremonies. They have to show this restaurant their manner... After comforting themselves, they swallow the chicken nuggets like poison.