I walk downstairs to open the door for Isla when she told me that she was here. As soon as I open the door she jumps onto me, giving me a hug. With both of her hands on my face, she pulls back and looks at me. "What happened?"

I close the door behind her and lock it. I walk up to my room, Isla following. We sit on my bed and she looks so worried.

"Mr. Grey - "

She sighs in relief and puts her hand on my arm, "He's dead, I know. I'm sorry, I know you liked him"

My eyes widen in shock and I felt my stomach twirl. He's dead? How?

"What?" I couldn't say anything else. I felt goosebumps fill my body.

"Yeah, right before I left Caden's house I saw it on the news. It might still be on." She grabs the remote and turns on TV. She flips to channel 7 and sure enough, it was still on.

Teacher from Miami High, Earl Grey, found dead in his home earlier today. He was a victim to a new profound "serial killer". Two other murders that happened in these past two months seem to be connected to this one. All three seem to have been stabbed to death, and the odd thing is that all of them have been reported minutes after. Could this new serial killer be reporting his crimes himself? People are calling him the "Snitch". We'll be back soon with more news.

"Are they talking about Brandon's dad?" I look at Isla in shock of what I just heard. A serial killer? How is that even possible?

There used to be a lot of serial killers back in the day because it was hard to catch them. Nowadays however, we have so much technology that a normal citizen could probably find out who they are. So, this guy must be really good at what he does to have killed three people and still hasn't gotten caught. That's really scary to think about.

"There's only been three murders and one of them is Brandon's dad so yeah. I'm assuming so." She looks around the room as she speaks, trying to avoid eye contact.

They have to catch him, sooner or later. Especially that he reports all of his murders himself. What kind of psychopath murders someone and then calls the cops on themselves. Did he feel bad? No because he would turn himself in, and he wouldn't continue to do it.

Trying to make sense of  every thing, Isla asks me, "Wait if you didn't know Mr. Grey was dead, then what did you want to tell me about him?"

I look back to her and half smile, shutting my eyes in pain, "He almost raped me today."

Her eyes widen and she scoffs, "I'm glad he's dead right now because if not I would've had to kill him myself."

I chuckle softly and her face goes serious again, she opens her arms, signaling for me to hug her. I wrap my arms around her and then she pulls out and puts her hand on my face. "All jokes aside, are you alright?"

I fight my tears and nod, "I wanna get out of this clothes though." I chuckle slightly as does she. 

"Let's burn it." She speaks through her smile.

Usually I wouldn't be in for something like that but as stupid as it sounds, this is the closure I needed. I smile and nod. Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really?" I nod my head and she smirks. "He's changing you girl. In a good way."

I know exactly what he she was referring to and she is wrong. I'm barely with him, especially not enough for him to have an impact on the way I act. I didn't have the energy to argue so I just smiled, satisfying her win. I changed into pajamas, and took all the clothes I was wearing before, including underwear and bra, and stuffed it into a plastic bag.

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