~1~ A day in her life

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This takes place two days after Shu confessed im 24 and Shu is 29 The kids are 14
Authors POV

09.00 am, Friday, 18 June

Natsuki is currently being buried with paper work at her desk, alias from her last mission while Shuichi and some other agents are relaxing. Though there are other agents that is in the same state as Natsuki. The boss from the BO gave her a week of holiday so she doesn't have any work from them.

"Akai-san! Kudo-san! you both are called to James's office" -An agent informed Natsuki and Shuichi

"Hai!" -They answered in unison. They walked to their superiors office while sometimes engaging in small talk here and there. After a few minutes of constant walking and talking they arrived at James's office. Natsuki knocked on the door before hearing a brief 'come in'. They both walked in just to be greeted with the sight of James surrounded by stacks of paper and him working some of the papers in front of him.

"Ah, you two......" -James said with an exhausted tone

"Hai James-san" -Natsuki answered a little concerned for her boss

"What do you need us for James?" -Shuichi asked politely yet straight forwardly

"Ah yes... I need you two for this mission" -James said while giving them both a file

"Hmm~" -Natsuki hummed opening the file and scanning the information inside, while Shuichi did the same.

Name : Mark Paul

Age : 45

Mark Paul is a professional drug dealer in the black market. He is currently residing in Tokyo and have a deal at Saturday 19 June at 6 pm Haido City Hotel. He usually make his deals at the sky bar.

The rest of the information is about his background and past which they don't really care about.

"You both will capture him tomorrow night. As for the report.... Natsuki please make the report and send it to me after the mission" -James informed

'Shit....' -Natsuki cursed mentally

"Alright!/Alright......" -Shuichi and Natsuki said before being dismissed from their superior's office and walked their separate ways to prepare for tomorrow

Natsuki's POV

"haa......" -I exhaled tiredly

'Well at least im doing this mission with Shu right?' -I thought before going back to my paper work for the day.

Time skip to that night brought to you by my tired ass~

23.25 pm, Friday, 18 June

"At last~" -I said while stretching my limbs, glad that i finished my paper work. Most of the agents already went home, leaving me in the HQ with other agents that worked overtime too. Shu went back early to prepare for tomorrow....

"I should go home too..." -I mumbled getting my things from my desk and walked to my car. eventually when i went back home its already 16 minutes before midnight. I went in the house quietly since i didn't want to wake anyone up. Mom and Dad is still at home, their going to America in two weeks though. Fortunately they were all sound asleep so i could get to my room without trouble. I lay my bag and laptop on my desk which has a computer on it. I took a shower and wore a white tank top with black shorts, I putted my hair in a bun and went to my desk. I grabbed my laptop and sat on a couch next to my bed. Opening the laptop i searched more information about this 'Mark Paul' for tomorrow night. Good thing is i didn't need much time to get every information on him. Its all in the government data which wasn't protected so good..... Maybe i should reinforce it for them sometimes... I copied the files and put it in my personal drive i made protected with layers of codes. After i transferred the files i reinforced the government's database for a bit. Which took a couple hours to make it extra secure for other hacker's, now its already 01.30 am. I put my laptop on my nightstand and went to sleep.

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