"You're gonna fight for your life," said Bryat. "You win, you go free. You lose, you go up on my trophy wall. You know the one with all the milk cartons that you were admiring earlier. Then we get one of your other friends, and do it all over again."

"So what," said Colby. "This is just all some kind of sick game? For sport? What's the point?"

"Cause it's fun," replied Bryat. "And maybe I just like to show off. Prove to people how strong I am."

"I have a better idea," said Colby.

There were a bunch of "oohs" coming from all the guys around him. Bryat looked at him curiously.

"You know, I like you," said Bryat. "Most people who get this far, end up begging for their pathetic little lives, but you, you've got fight. You're fearless."

Colby stared at him in silence. Was this guy really complimenting him?

"Okay," said Bryat. "I'm listening."

"If I win, you let all of my friends go," said Colby.

"That's not how it works," explained Bryat. "I need to add to my wall, sentiment you know."

"You let all my friends go, and put me on your trophy wall," finished Colby.

Bryat stared at him intrigued. "Interesting," he said.

He then gestured for another guy to come to him. He whispered something in the guy's ear, but Colby couldn't hear what he said. The other guy suddenly left the room and a few minutes later came back.

"Let me make you a counter offer," said Bryat. "Because I like you, I've just let two of your friends go. Blondie however, is still back there." He pointed to the area behind Colby. "You win, I let you all walk free, no questions asked, no catch. But if I win, I put both of you on my trophy wall."

Bryat came closer to Colby so that they were at eye level, but Colby didn't back away, he looked the guy straight in the eye. Considering his offer. 

"Deal!" said Colby.

There were several chants and cheers from all the guys in the circle. Bryat squared up with Colby. Colby tried to catch him off guard, but it didn't work. As soon as Colby made a move, Bryat had him in a chokehold, and threw him to the ground. This guy had clearly done this a hundred times. As Colby attempted to stand he was met with a fist to his face. Colby quickly spit out the blood compiling in his mouth and stood up, Bryat smirking as he did. Colby tried everything, but every time he attempted to hit this guy, he was too fast. Colby received punch, after punch, after punch. He knew he was no match for this guy, but he wasn't giving up. As long as he could still walk, still breathe, he would fight, to the last minute. Bryat looked at his bloodied face and laughed.

"You don't give up, do you?" asked Bryat. "You think blondie will cry when I take his photo? I love it when they cry."

Colby stumbled. He wobbled and struggled to stand. Bryat sent him an uppercut and Colby fell to the ground as Bryat strode over to him.

He began to taunt Colby as he stood over him.  "Tell me, what do you think he'll like better?" Bryat asked. "The gun or the knife? Fast or slow?"

Colby stared up at Bryat blank faced as Bryat bent down close to his ear, Colby groaning in pain as he kicked him in the side.

"No one's ever beaten me," said Bryat into Colby's ear. He stood back up. "No one's even come close! But then again, no one's ever fought for themselves and someone else at the same time. That wastes valuable strength that they could be using for themselves, but I guess you're just a fool." Colby heard the crack of his own ribs as Bryat kept kicking.

"If you behave," Bryat continued, "maybe I'll even let you watch him beg for mercy before I kill you."

Bryat then brought his fist back to deliver the finishing blow, when Colby caught his fist, stopping it mid-air. Colby twisted Bryat's arm, and his head snapped to the side as it was met with Colby's other fist. Colby used his leg to sweep Bryat's legs out from underneath him. Colby stood, and grabbed him by the collar, delivering several punches to his face. Bryat's hand shot out and wrapped around Colby's neck. The crowd of other guys parted as he pushed Colby back and pinned him to the wall. Colby delivered a head butt then brought his knee up into Bryat's groin, he stumbled back as Colby delivered another powerful punch. Bryat's head snapping from side to side, as Colby delivered several punches to his face, before finally the guy fell to the ground with a thud. 

Bryat turned on his elbows to spit out some blood, and out of Colby's view, grabbed a knife from his pocket. He stood up, his back to Colby, and turned to plunge the knife into Colby's stomach but stopped with a gasp as a broken piece of debris was plunged into his own stomach. Colby looked at Bryat, his eyes and mouth were wide as he began to bleed.

"No one likes a cheater!" said Colby, looking into Bryat's eyes intensely, and pushing the broken debris further into his stomach. "And for the record, he doesn't waste my strength; he gives me more!"

Colby ripped the piece of debris from Bryat's stomach. He stumbled back as his friends caught him. Colby threw the bloody and broken piece of debris to the side and collapsed to his knees. Police suddenly barged in the door behind him.

"Police! On the ground, hands behind your head now!!" one of the officers shouted.

Colby sat on the back of the ambulance, wrapped in a blanket, a paramedic giving him first aid as Elton and Corey gave a statement to the police. He watched as all of the guys were arrested. The one guy that he fought, Bryat, was wheeled out on a stretcher, unconscious. Colby could see the blood from his wound seeping through his clothes and shuddered as he was rolled by.

Sam came over to the ambulance where Colby was sitting, also wrapped in a blanket. Colby locked eyes with him as Sam approached. He stopped in front Colby, seeing the bruises and blood all over him. Sam rested his hand gently on Colby's cheek.

"Jesus Colby," said Sam sadly. "What did they do to you?"

"They told me to fight for you," replied Colby, wincing. "So I did. I will always...fight for you."

Sam's eyes filled with tears as he wrapped Colby in his arms, the brunette returning the hug, tears streaming down his face. They clutched the back of each other's shirts tightly, keeping each other close. The trauma that they had experienced tonight would definitely linger, maybe forever. But at least, they would all be there to help each other get through it, together.

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