Mark My Words

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Sam and Colby were headed back to their house in Colby's car. They had been at a Merch shoot and it ended up running super late and both boys were super tired. As they pulled up to the gate of the TrapHouse, a young boy, much younger than them, walked out of their driveway, peddling Colby's new bike beside him. Colby put the car in park and rolled down his window.

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing man?" asked Colby.

"Woah, oh," said the boy smirking. "You caught me!"

Colby quickly stepped out of the driver's seat and came around the car as the boy dropped the bike, and took off running. Colby watched him as he fled, picking up the bike.

"Hey! What the fuck!?" said Sam.

Colby whipped around to see two other older guys jump in his car. He saw the one in the back seat wrap his arm around Sam's neck as the car drove away. He tossed the bike and quickly dashed after the car as it sped away down the street.

"Sam!!!" yelled Colby.

Colby quickly took out his phone and dialed 911. The cops showed up to their house a few minutes later and Colby explained the situation to them. Corey and Jake listened too.

"Let us know as soon as you hear anything," said Corey.

"We will," replied the officer.

Jake and Corey turned towards Colby.

"You okay man?" asked Jake.

"No," said Colby.

"They'll find him," said Corey. "It was probably just some stupid prank. They're not gonna hurt him."

"You don't know that," said Colby, as he got up and went to his room, slamming the door.

Colby didn't sleep at all that night. He was tossing and turning, worried sick about Sam. About who they were and what they could be doing to Sam, at this very moment. He tried so hard to shake those feelings away, but only the worst case scenarios were on repeat in his head.

Colby jolted awake the next morning to the ringing of his cellphone. He saw the LAPD number come up and quickly answered it.

Colby brought the phone to his ear. "What happened?" he asked.

The officer that had called Colby met him, Jake and Corey in the lobby of the station when they arrived. He brought them all to the back of the station, to their interrogation room.

"We tried everything," said the officer. "He won't talk; says he doesn't know anything."

They all looked at the young boy handcuffed to the table inside the room. The same boy who had tried to steal Colby's bike. Colby glared daggers at him.

"Let me try talking to him," said Colby.

"I don't think that's a good idea," said the officer.

"I'm not gonna hurt him," said Colby. "I just want to talk to him."

The officer turned to his superior, and explained the request. It was something they didn't normally do, but decided to allow it since they needed more options anyway.

"We can only give you five minutes," said the officer.

"That's all I need," said Colby.

The officer opened the door and Colby stepped into the room. The boy had a scared look on his face when he looked up and saw Colby.

"I'll be right out here if you need me," said the officer.

"Thanks," said Colby.

Colby slowly strode over to the other chair across from the boy and sat down. He crossed his arms and looked directly into the boy's eyes.

"Where are your friends?" asked Colby.

"Like I told the officers, I don't know, honest," said the boy. "Dude, it was just a joke, the bike was just a distraction. All they wanted was the car."

"A joke?!" said Colby. "My best friend was in that car. They took him!"

The boy looked at Colby sadly. "I didn't know that," he said. "That wasn't part of the plan. I'm sorry."

"Do you have any idea where they could've gone?" asked Colby sternly.

"No, none," the boy said. He seemed nervous.

"You're lying!" said Colby.

"I ain't no snitch," said the boy.

Colby set his crossed arms onto the table and leaned towards the boy. He looked him straight in the eyes. Glaring at him intensely.

"Listen to me very closely," said Colby. "You know where they are and you don't want to tell us? Fine! But mark my words, if anything happens to him, I'm coming for you first!"

The young boy gulped nervously. Jake, Corey and the officer all turned towards Colby as he exited the room.

"Oat Mountain Nike Missile Site," said Colby.

The officer turned towards his men. "I need everyone on route now," he shouted.

A few hours later, the officer and his men returned back to the station. They marched in with two more boys in handcuffs and Sam walked in behind them. Colby, Jake and Corey all walked up to him and gave him a bro hug.

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" asked Colby, pulling away, surveying his best friend all over.

"No, they didn't," said Sam. "They threatened to, but I think it was mostly talk. Besides the rope burn, I'm perfectly fine."

The officer handed Colby his keys and sent the boys on their way. He informed them that the young boys did in fact, mean all bark and no bite. They admitted it was a practical joke and that they were never actually gonna hurt Sam. Joke or not, these boys were in serious trouble and Colby prayed he would never see their faces again. For their sake.

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