The Test Of Friendship

Start from the beginning

Colby turned to Sam. "I'll come back for you," he said. "I promise."

"I know you will," said Sam.

The king's guards grabbed Sam by the arms and took him away. Colby quickly borrowed a horse and set off for his parents' house. A day later, Colby arrived, his mother was outside, and smiled when she saw him.

"My son!" she said hugging him. "What a wonderful surprise."

"Hello, mother!" said Colby, hugging her back. His father soon came out as well.

"Good to see you my boy," said his father.

"You too," said Colby.

"Come in, you must be starving," said Colby's mother.

"I'm sorry," said Colby. "I can't stay. I only came to say goodbye."

"Goodbye?" said his father. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I've been sentenced to death by King Elton," said Colby sadly.

"NO!" shouted his mother, tears in her eyes.

Colby told them the story of him and Sam, climbing the mountain and how he had accidently let the boulder loose, and how Sam had willingly taken his place. Colby's parents understood his decision. Sam's parents had died long ago and ever since then, Colby's parents had looked after Sam and treated him like their own, and he was grateful. They had come to care for Sam as if he was their own son.

"The king didn't believe it was an accident," said Colby. "And now, Sam will die in my place if I'm not back in three days. But I had to come, to tell you both that I love you so much. I always will. I have to do this, he'd do the same for me, without question."

"We know," said Colby's father, placing comforting hands on his shoulders. "You're a true friend and a great person. I'm proud to call you my son."

"Thank you father," said Colby.

Colby looked towards his mother, weeping with her head in her hands. "Mother, please do not be sad for me," he said.

His mother looked at him with pride. "I only wish that people will remember how good you are," she smiled, grabbing his hands.

"I love you mother," said Colby.

He gave his parents one last hug and then hurried on his way back to the kingdom. He had no time to lose. He rode as fast as he could when his horse became startled and threw him off. He landed on the ground as his horse ran off.

"No, no, no!" said Colby.

He had no choice, he began to run, as fast as his feet would carry him. Colby had no idea how he had been able to run so far, especially with the heat. The sun was beating down on him hard, he soon collapsed to his knees, the sweat dripping down his face. He forced himself up on his shaky legs, and continued his way down the path. He pushed himself hard, his body now aching.

Colby eventually came to a cliff leading down to a ravine. The bridge he had taken to get across on his way, had been broken, almost as if somebody had come and broke it themselves. There was no way he could swim across, the rapids were too extreme, but Colby knew it was the only way he would make it to Sam in time. So he slid down the edge of the cliff, and landed in the rough waters, he began to swim across.

The rapids were never ending and his arms were burning, but he wouldn't give up. He was almost across when a giant wave swallowed him. He coughed harshly and reached for a thin branch just within his reach. Colby grasped it tightly as if his life; no, his best friend's life depended on it, because it did. Using the rest of his strength, Colby pulled himself to shore.

Once Colby crawled out of the water, he quickly caught his breath and started to climb up the other side. His arms tired from the swim, he slipped several times. But with every inch, he moved closer to Sam. So he kept going, making one final reach to pull himself up. He rolled onto his back, panting heavily. He gently got up and continued his way back to their kingdom, he still had a way to go.

Sam sat in his cell as King Elton came to mock him. Sam stood up when his king approached.

"Your time is running short," said King Elton. "The day of execution is nigh and your friend has not returned."

"He will," said Sam. "But even if he doesn't, I will be happy to die for him. He has a good heart and a family to take care of. I would gladly give my life for him."

"Then you're foolish! He won't come back for you." shouted King Elton. "True friendship does not exist; he will fail you! Friends can't be trusted. Someone who claims to be your friend can only want something from you."

"Colby is not like that," said Sam.

King Elton couldn't believe the faith that Sam had in Colby. Why couldn't these boys understand that it was every man for himself? Friends will always betray you. Nobody could love someone that much.

Two days later, on the day of the execution, the king's men came to retrieve Sam. He was brought out to the courtyard and thrown on his knees, his hands tied behind his back. A guard came over to him with a scimitar, placing it under his neck. King Elton sat watching on his horse.

"No sign of Colby," said the king. "A shame, but I told you so."

"He'll be here," said Sam.

"So naïve," said the king. "Prepare your weapon!"

When Colby reached the gates of the kingdom, he was relieved. He knew now he would make it. He made his way to the gates when several of the king's guards ambushed him. It was 5 against one, and he was unarmed. He didn't know if this was part of King Elton's plan, but right now he didn't care. He readied his fists as the guards charged towards him.

"You see," said the King. "It is time for you to die and your friend has not returned. What did I tell you? Friends will only let you down. He chose his freedom over you, he doesn't care about you or your friendship."

"You're wrong," said Sam.

The King huffed. "Ready?" ordered the king. The guard removed the sword from Sam's neck and raised it high in the air as he prepared to bring it down.

"Wait!" someone shouted.

The king and his men whipped their heads towards the entrance of the courtyard as Colby came stumbling through. Colby quickly ran to Sam.

"I'm here! I'm so sorry for the delay!" said Colby. He hugged Sam tightly, who was glad to see Colby. Sam's eyes filled with tears as he realized that now Colby would die. 

"You made it," said Sam. "You didn't have to."

"Of course I did," said Colby. "You're my best friend." Sam looked at Colby, noticing that he was covered in dirt. He was all wet, part of his clothes were torn and he had several scrapes.

"What happened to you?" asked Sam.

"The journey back was deadly," explained Colby. "But let's just say, my love for you is stronger."

"I know the feeling," said Sam happily. "You're my best friend and my brother, always."

King Elton was shocked, but also moved as he watched the two boys. Colby rested his hand on Sam's shoulder.

Colby marched over to King Elton. "I'm ready," he said.

The guards quickly untied Sam. They grabbed Colby and marched him to Sam's position, throwing him on his knees in front of the guard. Sam watched him teary eyed.

"Halt!" yelled King Elton, dismounting his horse. The guards still holding Colby stopped to turn and face the king. He walked up to Sam.

"You boys are both free to go," said the king.

"What? Really?" said Sam.

"I'm moved by what I've witnessed here today," said King Elton. "You've shown me that true friendship does exist. I was wrong, and I'm sorry."

Sam quickly wrapped Colby in his arms, they smiled happily. If there was one bond and brotherhood that could never be broken, it was theirs. They had passed the test and always would, with flying colours.

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