Chapter 2

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~~Norman POV~~

I walked down the pavement, grinning like a crazy person as I did so. Emma skipped along beside me as we walked. "So, plan in action?" I asked, looking at her. "Oh yeah." She grinned. We walked into the classroom, after all, the school wasn't far from our neighborhood. We walked up to Ray's desk, looking at him read.

Emma slammed her hands on his desk. "RAY!" She yelled, snatching his book. He looked up at us as Emma grabbed his face. "WE ARE NOW YOUR FRIENDS. YOU WILL EAT LUNCH WITH US AND WALK HOME WITH US AND---" Emma was cut off by Ray yelling "GET. YOUR.HANDS.OFF.MY.FREAKING.FACE.BEFORE.I.DESTROY.YOURS." his face was grim and serious as he said it. Emma started walking away. I was surprised that she would give up so soon, until she said

"See you at lunch, Norman and Ray!"

---Ray POV---

The freaking what had I just seen. Emma also yelled as she walked away, "Oh! And because you call me crazy ginger and Norman Albino Boy, I'll call you Rat until you stop." As she walked out of the room to her first class, I swear I could tell she was grinning like a demon. *at lunch* "Okay Rat, this is Gilda, and this is Don!" She explained. "Hi" a girl with a soft voice and green hair said. "Hello!" A boy with brown short hair yelled. I swear he is so much like that crazy ginger. I groaned as I leaned back in my chair. Norman lightly grabbed my hand, and tugged me very softly. "Come on Ray! Please at least try to make a new friend." Norman said, his soft voice ringing in my ears. Before I could say anything, I was grabbed and forced to sit with them. "So, Rat, what food do you like?" Emma asked, looking at me. I knew that she was annoying, but I still need to keep my guard up just in case. "Soup" I said, because it's the only food I could think of. "Lies." Norman ejected immediately. "You think I'm lying to you? AM I A FREAKING JOKE TO YOU?!" I asked, standing up and grabbing his shirt. "Woah woah woah!" Emma yelled, trying to get me to stop whatever I was doing. "No, it's just, your eyes. They have this more gray tint when you seem sad. Though you never let those emotions show. And when someone lies, it could be to protect themselves." Norman said in his soft voice. "I--I- Where'd you--" I stammered, losing my grip on his shirt. I looked down at him, and it's safe to assume I looked at him like he was a mad man. Witch, I assume he is.

I took a bite out of a random sandwich that was on the table. It tasted really different from peanut butter and jelly . . . oh no. I looked down at the sandwich and I knew that it wasn't mine. Though it tasted so good. "I see you like my sandwich!" Norman laughed. "Oh! Sorry. Here, have mine" I whispered, pushing my sandwich to him. "Woah! What type is this?" He asked, taking a bite out of it. "Uh, Peanut butter and jelly." I said flatly, taking another bite out of the sandwich I had snached from the table. "Oh! Uh, I'm not really sure, but I can make it for you again if you'd like! But you need to bring more of the peanut butter and jelly stuff!" Norman laughed, taking another bite out of the sandwich in his hand. "Deal." I said, taking another bite out of the sandwich. "It's rude to talk with food in your mouth!" Emma yelled at me. "Oh, boo hoo, I'm hungry and want to talk, deal with it, sweetie." I sneered, smiling at her expression. "Hey, you smiled!" Norman pointed out, as he finished the sandwich. I looked at him, hoping a death stare was in my eyes. They all burst out laughing, pointing at me. "You know, I can't take you seriously with that face, Ray!" Emma laughed, basically crying. "Ohmygoshshutup" I said, rolling my eyes. The bell rang as Norman was about to say something. "Welp, better head back to class!" Emma exclaimed, skipping away with the green haired girl, and Don running behind them, as they all talked. "Hey, Ray, why do you never really talk?" Norman asked, looking at me as we walked. "Because nobody ever asks."

"Ask what?"

"Ask for me to talk, of course."

"You don't need someone to ask for you to talk."

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