The Debut

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I smiled as I walked down to the gorilla position getting yet another set of weird looks of everyone I passed.

It was time for me to walk out in front of the WWE Universe to introduce myself. Seth Rollins was in the ring explaining why he betrayed the Shield when my music hit.

Welcome to the new era. Welcome to my Queendom..

"Enough, enough!" I yelled in my mic.

Everyone stared at me wondering who I was.

"Someone must have invented the time machine. That's Stephanie McMahon when she was still young" a man yelled out of the audience.

I had to stop myself from laughing as I continued talking.

"My name is Annabelle McMahon and I've seen enough" I exclaimed.

"I am the youngest daughter of Vince McMahon and I'm tired of my sister always getting what she wants or what she claims is best for business. Last week, Steph and my lovely brother in law did what no one thought possible. They found a way to destroy The Shield.

They destroyed the one group having the guts to stick up to them by recruiting their weakest link" I said while looking directly at Seth Rollins.

"Since The Shield is no more, there is no one left to fight their injustice. At least, so they thought. But sorry Steph, sorry Hunter, I'm here now and I'm so ready to make a name for myself. I'm ready to stand up for what is right and I'm not going to rest until I achieve my ultimate goal and that is to destroy the Authority!"

Style and grace. I'll never gonna be the linoleum. Now welcome to the Queendom ..

I turned around to see Stephanie and the rest of the Authority walking out from behind the curtain.

"Who do you think you are, Annabelle? You just got here and you think you can challenge me? Us?" she asked shaking her head.

Seth made his way out of the ring to join Randy, Hunter and Kane.

"Oh, hey Steph. I had a feeling you and your precious Authority would show your face after I finished talking which is why I hired myself protection" I said smiling.

John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns all made their way to the stage.

It felt really weird having them line up beside me since I never exchanged words with any of them. Well, apart from my little chat with Dean earlier tonight.

I nodded to each of them before raising my mic.

"I think this is going to be interesting" I said while smiling.

The show ended with my "protection" throwing themselves at the Authority.

After RAW

"I'm so proud of you Annie. But you could have told me that you're my new enemy" Steph said while laughing.

"I had absolutely no idea until Dad told me earlier tonight. But hell, the crowd went insane!" I laughed.

As we walked out of the building people were no longer giving me strange looks. Instead, they were congratulating me on my debut.

It felt good knowing that I no longer had to hide myself.

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