° ° °

"noelle, noelle, noelle!" xolo shouted while sprinting into her room and throwing himself down on her bed

"oh my god, DUDE what do you want" she groaned. she was lucky he didn't land on her since his body would've crushed her tiny one. xolo grinned mischievously at the blonde, "who's this mr. vince guy that commented on your post"

noelle was taken back by his question, "loads of people comment on my stuff, why do you think he's special?"

"because" the boy dragged, "you replied with a heart. a heart!

noelle found herself playfully rolling her eyes, "okay fine. uhm, we might or might not be talking".

xolo gasped dramatically at her words, jaw falling to the ground, to which she quietly chuckled, "you're joking oh my god. i thought you liked jacob".

at that the girls chuckle died down. she used to hate whenever he, tanner or peyton brought it up. it was like a punch to the gut, a pull at the heartstrings and a constant reminder that the mentioned boy had never felt the same way about her. she never asked, but she preferred to stay in the dark for her own sake.

"that was like a year ago, xo. i moved on" she said truthfully. well, at least she had pushed those feelings so far aside that one day they just disappeared. they were gone and she liked it this way.

the boy on her bed nodded his head, "so...how long have you been talking to mr. vince"

"about 6 weeks maybe. he's nice and great and i really didn't wanna rush anything but he lives here in atlanta so this might be the perfect opportunity to maybe kind of make it official" she explained. she wasn't sure if it was too early, "what do you think?"

the boy hesitated for a second to think, "i mean if you're confident about this and you really like him then go for it, i guess. just be careful. jacob and i don't necessarily feel like beating anyone up"

"yeah yeah, whatever dad" she smiled, "okay now get out, i'm literally on the brink of falling asleep mid-conversation right now.

° ° °

xololoyodudei have to tell you something

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i have to tell you something

i'm literally one room away
why are you texting me

i don't wanna see your reaction
to this i'll feel kinda bad

wait wtf why
what did you do

other than being sherlock once again

just spit it out

okay so
did you see that vince dude comment
on noelle's recent post?

he gives me off vibes

well you're gonna dislike him even more
the thing is well uh you see-


him and noelle are talking
like romantically


are you okay?

yeah why wouldn't i be

mhm idk
maybe because you're in love w her?
just a thought tho

i'm not in love w her
its a tiny silly crush
it'll be gone in a few weeks

okay fine
but if you need to talk, i'm here man

seen 10:56pm

jacob layed in his bed, face looking up at the ceiling. he wanted to scream, punch something, break things but he couldn't. he didn't have any right to be upset nor mad, especially when he was the one who was too scared to tell her how he felt.

for the past year he had started to feel different about this best friend. she was beautiful, smart, talented, funny and she was always there for him even through his heartbreak, so how could he not? to him, she was amazing in every way and now he would have to live with the fact that she was happy with someone else. someone he didn't even know. someone that wasn't him.



uhm this chapter is low quality and kinda rushed i'm sorry but the next ones will be better <3

and AGAIN yk the drill pls comment bc comments make me day and they motivate me to update. no one likes ghost readers.

𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗠𝗘 𝗛𝗢𝗪 ―  jacob bertrand (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now