chapter 17-leya vs devan

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So let the tournament continue. Ok so I'm going up against your brother Vennesa. Ok I'm going to win this fight but I should not underestimate her. Ok who's ready to fight! I'm ready to fight you. Oh are you dark magic black hole. Smoke magic blinding field of smoke. Dark magic slash of darkness. The statistics about humans having magic is actually 3 every 1 year they read it and they reversed there information. Oh so what your saying is they read it backwards. That was true but I was just buying time. Dark magic charged dark slash.smoke magic suffocating smoke of death. I won't let you do that dark magic dark beast transformation. Oh no he's actually going all out. Let's get out of there! Vennesa I know it's dangerous but I will be fine. No if you don't get out of that area your going to die! Ok I will get out of the way of his attack and in the area of his attack. Ow the attack still hit me but it's only a scratch on my arm.wait she's fainting no don't give up let's you can still fight. I'm not down yet I won't lose that easily. Wait there's a horn growing out of her head yet she's not a dark elf. I knew it your a half elf half demon. you andrew and Vennesa are dubbed the cursed trio each of you has a power that puts strain on you Vennesa is a demon host andrews an angel and you are half demon. You all have powers that are not of this world. All of your powers also have negative effects on your body. Yeah why are you talking about it though. Ok that was not even my full power demon dark magic room of darkness. This is like the power that argo used in Vennesa discription. Leya is down for now he just used his full power.

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