Chapter 1

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When I wake up in the morning I feel hungry, but I don't want to get out of bed. My bed is warm and soft and if I get out of it I will be cold. I lay for a while in the comfort of my cozy bed and debate whether or not to get up.

Finally, I slide out of my bed after what could have been simply minutes but may have been hours.

When I step out of my bedroom I see a maid.

"Have my breakfast brought up on a tray this morning," I say.

She nods and runs down the hall.

I close my bedroom door and jump back into my bed. A shiver tickles me as it runs down my spine but the warmth of my bed soon overcomes me.

A sigh of contentment escapes from me. I look around my room as I wait for someone to bring me my breakfast.

Maybe I'll rearrange my vanity soon. I'm pretty tired of the way it looks right now. I get out of bed again to walk towards my vanity.

Suddenly the room goes black and I feel myself tumble to the floor. The impact of hitting the floor jolts me back to reality.

I know why I was hungry. I don't want food, I want more. I want power. The hunger inside of me burns like a raging fire that I can't contain. The only way to get power is to become the queen. But my Owen and parents are standing in my way.

I glide through the castle to the room where we keep our weapons. I take a small poison bomb and slip it into my pocket. The hunger is unbearable, but as I touch the bomb it subdues a little. If death is what it takes, then so be it. 

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