We walk inside and I feel some hands on my waist. I turn around to see Alejandro.

Lani: "what are you doing"

Ale: "oh sorry I was just trying to get to the kitchen I'm starving"

Lani: "serve yourself I'm going to be upstairs oh and you have to sleep I my room"

💭Michael: "now why would you say that"💭

💭Lani: "if they think of looking around for weapons I'll hear them shifting things around"💭

💭Michael: "question"💭

💭Lani: "what"💭

💭Michael: "kind of seeing you and Alejandro"💭

💭Lani: "ikr he's a little flirt"

I must have zoned out talking to Michael because Mattia was in my face.

I quickly grab a knife from the counter which was in front of me and point it at Mattias chin.

Lani: "get out of my face you imbecile"

Tia: "alright damn I was just going to ask why we have to sleep in your room"

I remove the knife from his chin.

Lani: "so I can hear you moving around if you try to hurt me"

Tia: "hm smart"

Lani: "I'm going to bed come on"

Kai: "let's watch a movie while we eat"

Ale: "yea let's go"

We go upstairs to my room and Mattia and I sit on my bed while Ale and Kai sit on the couch.

Ale: "did you get food Lani"

Lani: "thank you for checking but"

I walk over to my closet and go to my hideout where I usually put my snacks and grab six bags of takis 4 bags of sour strips 4 Arizona's and 4 water bottles.

Lani: "help please"

They came and helped me. I was going to get me.

Kai: "you have more"

Lani: "yup"

I then grab 4 bags of trolli sour bite crawlers berry edition and I also got the bigger bag of them too. Then for me I grabbed 6 large bags of hot Cheetos just in case the boys want some.

Lani: "I'm going to have to work this off tomorrow but it's worth it"

I laid the snacks on my bed.

Lani: "go ahead choose how much you would like"

Kai: "no way really"

Lani: "yea why not just chill with your enemies on a chill night"

Ale: "thanks"

MAFIA - M.P.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ