what is this feeling?

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side note: i LOVE these two:) 

"so your sure you want to come over to my house?" 

"yeah I want too" 

Isabel smirked "ok well get ready for Millie and her ten billion questions" 

So later Isabel got off the bus with Frankie and walked up to her house. Isabel could see two figures in the front yard. 

one of them did a one handed cartwheel and landed perfectly. "wow. is that your sister? she's really beautiful" 

Isabel's face flushed "nope, that would be my mom" 

"oh. Well I can see where you get it from." 

Isabel flushed "you think i'm pretty?" 

"Beautiful actually. Your mom is 40 something and can do a on handed cartwheel?!" 

"yeah, once a cheerleader always a cheerleader" Isabel smiled "its in her blood" 

Emma was standing in the doorway. "Millie take it easy i don't want you to break your arm again" 

"I'm fine mom" 

Emma gave her a look. "Millie Grace." 

Millie sighed falling back into the grass. "fine I'll stop for now" 

Emma smiled "thank you" 

a flicker of surprise crossed Frankie's face. "Mrs. Nolan?" 

Emma looked just as surprised. "Frankie?" 

Isabel and Frankie stopped in the backyard before Isabel could ask what was going on- 

"IZZY!" Millie ran up to her and tacked her in a hug.  

"oof! hey Mills" Isabel smiled and hugged her back. Frankie was talking to Emma, thankfully nothing was wrong they were both smiling. 

Isabel went inside with them all. "who's the new girl?" Beth asked 

"you guys this is Frankie, Frankie this is my mom, Millie and Beth" 

"nice to meet you all" 

Alyssa smiled "it's nice to meet you too" 

Millie looked at Frankie, Frankie was wearing a black jacket with a rainbow flag on it. "there are other gay kids at the high school?"

"um.. yeah we mostly hide in the theater.. or the band room" 

Millie then looked at her older sister, smirked and said "is she you girlfriend?" 

Isabel flushed red. "what? no! noooo. Just friends that's it" 

Emma and Alyssa noticed her getting flustered and shared a knowing look. they looked at each other both thinking the same thing, she has a crush 

"ok So where just going upstairs now" Isabel said and ran up as fast as her legs could take her. They headed to what the family called the 'music room' 

true to it's name it had about every instrument you could want in there. Frankie sat down at the piano. 

"sorry about my sister's." 

"oh no! it's fine really. I don't mind it" 

"what you said before.. about me looking like my mom. I didn't come out of her exactly... my Mama was the one who carried me. After almost dieing after she had Beth my mom had Millie" 

"wow. What a crazy story. I get it though people always tell me i look like my parents and I do kind of.. but you konw all this came from my bioparnets" 

Frankie then started to play. "your Mama is actually my gaiter teacher she has been for three years actually." 

"why didn't you tell me?' 

"I don't konw I get weird about that stuff" 

Frankie then stated to sing. 

"Wait for me, I'm comin' (I'm comin')

(I'm comin') Wait, I'm comin' with you
(I'm comin') Wait for me, I'm comin' too (Wait, I'm comin')
(Wait) Wait for me, I'm comin' (I'm comin')
(I'm comin') Wait, I'm comin' with you
(I'm comin') Wait, I'm comin'

Show the way" 

then Isabel joined in. 

"(Show the way)

I hear the walls repeating (Show the way)
The falling of our feet and

It sounds like drumming (Show the way)"      

Frankie and Isabel smiled at each other. Isabel felt all warm inside 

She looked at Frankie, Frankie looked at her too eye to eye. 

they say when your attracted to someone your eyes dilate when you look at them in the eyes, some people disribe it as seeing color for the first time. 

Isabel felt it, everything was brighter and louder in her mind when she looked at Frankie. 

It was scary but kind of exciting too.           


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