Natasha Romanoff: Shower

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You stand in the shower, the water drizzling delicately over your body. Gently soaking your long, luscious locks. You lift your head up slightly, allowing the water to cover your whole body. The feeling of warm water making your body shiver for a couple seconds, the heat rising. The water drips delicately onto the tile floor, swerving for the drain. The mirror on your side, becoming fuzzy and cloudy because of the steam. It becomes slightly difficult to see anything, clouds of warm air rising around the room.
The door creaks gently, as you turn trying to decipher who it may be. Probably the draft. You swivel back round allowing the water to drizzle over your body once again. Until you hear the sound of feet softly touching water behind you. You swiftly turn around, preparing to tackle someone to the ground until you notice that familiar red fuzz of hair. The woman beside you, blushes slightly her emerald eyes exploring your body.
"Can you not see I am busy?" You mutter, as Natasha inches closer to you.
"I'm sorry, did I step on your moment?" She mumbles, her breaths getting shallow as her face becomes centimetres from yours. The water drizzles over her angelic face, her emerald eyes glimmering in the soft light.
"How'd a nice girl like you wind up with a woman like me?" You state, as a precious smile paints Natashas face. Her rosy locks darkening slightly due to the warm water slivering down her bare body.
"Lass done me wrong." She exclaimed, her palm stretching out and tracing over your face, her fingers delicately tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her just a little bit forward. Those beautiful emerald eyes meet yours, escaping your lips for a second.
"She's not so bad. She is quite intimidating... but deep down she is all fluff." She exclaims, her fingers tracing down your neck.
"Fact is, she is not like anybody I have ever known..." She begins, as your eyebrow raises slightly at this. A soft red colour flushing your cheeks as a smirk covers Natashas face.
"All my friends are fighters, and here comes this woman. Spends her life avoiding the fight because she knows she will win." She states, as her luxurious lips place a soft kiss on your collarbone, a shiver streaming down your spine.
"She sounds amazing." You try to say, but it comes out as more of a sigh. Natasha giggles, her face meeting yours again, her nose softly bumping yours.
"She is also a soppy romantic, but chicks dig that! So, what do you think should I fight this... or run with it?" She exclaims, her breaths flowing over your face.
You think for a second before answering, her impatient eyes searching yours for answers.
"Run with it, right? Or did, she... was she... what did she do that was so... wrong to you?" You stutter, your breaths quickening, barely able to comprehend a sentence in front of the redhead.
A soft giggle emerges from her, her chest rising and falling slightly, as her eyes dart over your body and instantly back to your eyes.
"Not a damn thing... but never say never." She states, her eyebrow slanting upwards.
Before you can answer her, she shoves you roughly to the glass wall, pinning your arms above your head with her bare hands. As she stands breathlessly infront of you, her emerald eyes gleaming.
She traces her lips down your arms onto your collarbone. Placing soft gentle kisses over your chest, her lips exploring your whole body in seconds. As you shift and sigh heavily, she gives you a menacing glare each time you move. You resist the inevitable urge to move as she examines your body.
She stumbles up to your face, your eyes meeting eachothers. As she loosens her grip on your hands, as you tackle her forward. Placing her onto the wall beside you, her body draping lazily. She lets out a soft sigh, her red curls surrounding her neck as you place soft kisses there. You meet her face again, as she pulls you in for a long, passionate kiss. Butterflies emerge in your stomach, floating around your whole body. Your body tingling with the sensation. Wanting to stay connected to her forever. The water  drizzles over your bodies, gently placed upon eachother, her leg riding up your chest as you hold her on the wall. Her hand hits the wall, leaving a shadow on the mirror. Quickly disappearing as the water drizzles over it.

Minutes pass as you both explore eachothers bodies, never wanting to seperate. As she pulls away from your grasp, her hot breaths steaming your face. She breathes heavily, her eyes searching your wet body.
"Nothing lasts forever." She groans, as she places those soft, rosy lips on yours and stumbles out of the shower placing a robe over her angelic body. You switch the shower off, and stumble out placing a robe lazily over your body. You groan gently watching her fingers trace through her rough curls.
"I wish this lasted forever." You moan.
Her eyes meet yours, an evil grin covering her face as she thrusts you roughly to the wall. You let out a quick breath.
"We have a job to do." She sighs, her eyes darting over your face.
"Can't it wait?" You groan, as she cheekily kisses your collarbone your legs frantically shaking.
She giggles gently and winks at you, then strides out of the bathroom. Leaving you flustered.

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