⚕️ Resurrection ⚕️

Start from the beginning

Agreed. Phew!

Laughing outrightly at our banter Wangji grins, "I know them cause of my nephew. He loves EXO. I often land up singing for him. Next time he insists on going to a concert, I'll ask you too. If you're free let me know."

Giving him high five Sora nods, "Done! By the way Jun?"


Giving him another hug she whispers, "Happy Birthday!"

Next second she yawns and I check the time on my watch. Past her bed time. Without another word she ambles her way into my arms and waving Wangji good night, she places her head on my shoulder. Gesturing him to wait, I walk into Sora's bedroom and tuck her comfortably.

Just before I leave she catches hold of my wrist and looks up sleepily, "Appa, I like Jun. He's nice. Uncle Hua is right. One can see soul of a person their eyes. His are trustworthy. You have my blessings." With a wink she turns and I shake my head.

Kid. Them and their dialogues.

Kissing her forehead I turn off the light and make my way towards the kitchen to pour us some wine, when my ears perk up and heart starts beating erratically. I could hear him playing the piano and singing. The lyrics were gut wrenching and soulful. My feet were pulling me to where he is.

Leaning against the door jamb I watch him sing as his fingers glide through the keys like melted butter.

(A/n: Kindly imagine Lan Wangji singing the above mentioned song.)

Raising his eyes to meet mine, the emotions behind them were not of simple flirting but almost like a confession. He is confessing his feelings to... Me.

Step by step I make my way to where he is sitting. Time stops and there was just two of us in that one moment. Raising his arms, clasping my waist, Wangji slowly brings me closer to where he is and places his head on my chest.




"What are you doing to me?" Without much thought I ask as he raises his head. "Why am I unable to move away from your grasp?"

"Why do you want to move away?" He whispers.

"Because I am scared that in the end you'll hurt me." That's my truth.

"I am not here to hurt you, Wei Wuxian." His voice is uber soft.

"How do you know?" Staring into his orbs I ask.

"Because each second I am falling for you, Wei Wuxian. I always wanted someone like you. Now I got you."

That word again. Someone like you.

Placing our glasses on the side table, I sit astride on his lap and pull his hair roughly. "You better not be playing with me, Wangji." I warn as my teeth scrapes through his jaw.

Growling next to my ear he words out, "Never."

Continuing to torment him I suck his earlobe, "I know nothing about you. We just met last night and in such short time you've been to my workplace, you're at my home and met my daughter. Except knowing your uncle and place when you live, I know nothing about who Lan Wangji is."


You have your whole life to know me, Wei Wuxian. I am yours and if you'll have me, I'll be an open book for you and only you."

Halting my deed I gasp at his words and quickly turn to look at him. Raising those lust drunken gaze Wangji gives me a sultry smile.

"Have you always been this cheesy or is today some special occasion?" I ask.

"Well today is my birthday! So does that count?" His smile is cheeky.

"Hm, it should. Have you always used such lines on all your first dates?"

"Don't know. Never been in one. You're my first."

Shocked I stutter, "You serious?"

"As much as this heart feels for you. Yes I am!" His eyes are so earnest.

When he doesn't receive a reply from me, Wangji gives me another cheeky smile, "I want my birthday gift!"

"What do you want?" Still mesmarized I ask.

"My first kiss."




Unable to not fulfill, I gently clasp his head and give him the most lightest peck. As I am about to back out, he places his palm in middle of my back and pulls me flush against him.

Shocked I open my mouth and he dives right in and gives me a soul searing kiss. Lost in sensation, I accept his feelings and thus begins our dance of seduction.

Pushing him against the piano bench we continue kissing and his moans vibrate my entire being. His proximity makes me realise how empty my life has been. His existence resurrected mine.

Just as things were getting too heated, we hear the door opening and a gasp. Panting we raise our eyes to meet a pair that was calm and the other jumping with glee.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.

Great! Our night just got a whole lot better.

Great! Our night just got a whole lot better

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