"Oh you five! Last time you were here, you set off an explosion didn't you!" she sneered, "you and your nasty pranks!" glared at the five of them angrily. 

"I assure you Madam, we had nothing to do with it" Clara looked at her innocently, 

"then why had you run out, may I ask Potter" she scoffed, 

"oh! We were merely scared by the noise Madam" Remus looked up at her, she scoffed again and walked away motioning for a waitress to go over to their table.

"Good job guys!" Peter high-fived Clara and Remus, 

"that's right!" Clara cheered, "master manipulator over here guys!" She pointed at herself and they all laughed. 

The waitress had taken their order of five butterbeers, and they chattered away excitedly about the fireworks they were planning on setting off, Regulus walked in with Severus, Narcissa, Lucius, Barty, and Evan, Clara got up and walked over to them.

"Hello!" She waved at them, 

"Clara!" Narcissa called out running over to her to hug her, 

"Cissy!" Clara hugged her. "Happy New Years Eve!" She jumped up and down excitedly,

"Happy New Years Eve!" Narcissa clapped excitedly,

"Happy New Years Eve!" the rest smiled excitedly.

"We're planning on setting off fireworks tonight" Clara informed them, "make sure to look up at night!" she continued, they all nodded laughing. 

Clara was a little ball of energy that never dimmed down. She had told Regulus that the five of them had promised to keep it just them this New Years celebration, Regulus accepted smiling and waving goodbye to Clara as she walked back over to the marauders.

"Vixen" James said as Clara sat down,

"mhm" Clara nodded,

"Dabrowski" James pointed behind Clara to a boy who was sitting a few tables away from them, Clara turned to look at him then turned back.

"What about him?" Clara asked,

"I think he wants to talk to you, hence his uncontrollable staring" he sniggered, Clara rolled her eyes laughing slightly and got up to go talk to him, Sirius was annoyed by the fact that James had told her. 

"You didn't have to tell her!" Sirius whispered harshly,

"your funny when your mad Padfoot" James smirked, "for a second there I thought you were jealous" James laughed quietly at Sirius's facial expression. 

Sirius decided to take it into his own matters and got up walking over to the table where Jason was sitting with Clara and his friends, 

"come on Clara we're heading back to the castle" Sirius put a hand on her shoulder, motioning for her to get up.

"All right!" Clara said getting up, "bye guys!" Clara waved to Jason and his friends, 

"bye!" they waved to her as she left.

"You didn't have to do that" Clara rolled her eyes as she swatted Sirius's hand off her shoulder, 

"I have no idea what your talking about" he struggled to keep back his laughter that his plan succeed as they walked out of the pub where the rest of the marauders were waiting. She rolled her eyes, and blushed slightly while they walked off to the castle. 

10 seconds to 12:00 am...

The marauders were standing outside, with Remus looking at his watch while the other four readied the fireworks, "10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1!" They all shouted cheering as the fireworks exploded into the air, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They all cheered and grouped up into a big hug.

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