To angry to be sealed without causing some chaos!!

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Uzumaki naruto sakura haruno and sasuke uchiha land there final attack on kaguya which in turn starts the sealing process during the process naruto sees black zetsu trying to escape and lands on him

Naruto- " where,d you think your going momma,s boy?"

Zetsu-" shit "

Naruto picks up zetsu and thows him into kaguya which inturn starts sealing him too and as kaguya sees this her conscouisness returns fully and she is pissed she sees the bighest threath as naruto and decides to push all her chakra into her rinne-sharingan and actives her dimension switch ability but only on naruto but she doesnt know where this will send him to as naruto gets pulled through the portal he screams


kurama-"i cant do anything except protect your body with mine and the other biju,s chakra"

Naruto-" fuck fuck fuck fuck shit FUCKKKKKK!!"

Naruto gets thrown into the dimensional gap and quickly concludes the area is slowly hurting him and does a biju transformation to slow the process even more but in doing this an entity comes to him and naruto senses its massive presence and thinks

Naruto-' this being is almost as strong as kurama maybe i can ask it fpr directions outta here??'

Suddenly a massive 200 metre long  red dragon appears before naruto and  looks at him curiously

???-"who are you and why are you here?"

Naruto-" well um my name is naruto uzumaki believe it!  as for im here i dont know i was fighting a goddess and sealed her but in the last moments of battle she managed to force me through a portal which lead me here"

???-" huh i see so your not from this dimension and know nothing of its inhabatants?"

Naruto-" yeah and whats your name and can you tell me how to get home and if there isnt a way home tell me how this dimension works and to make money?"

???-" my name is great red but call me red for short and as for your question i dont know if you can get home im sorry"

The now identified great red looks at the boy with sympathy which makes naruto a bit mad but he brushes it off

Red-" well this dimension has multiple races like dragons gods angels devils demons fallen angels humans etc and is a peaceful world for humans but they have had there share of wars too as for the other races they still have conflicts but are relatively peaceful but are on the virge of war because of a peace treaty thats barely been set"

Naruto-"i see so it looks like im gonna have to bring peace to this world too huh"

Red-" what do you mean boy?"

Naruto-" well in my previous world i was in a war against a group named the akastuki and they revived a very powerful shinobi or warrior you could say anyways that shinobi wreaked havoc among the lands and it all eventually led to a goddes being revived or unsealed and then me and my friends kicked her ass and sealed her but she sent me through a portal like i said before"

Red-" i see well then i shall send you on your way to the human plain but keep your energy supressed as alot of people from different factions will sense you otherwise"

Naruto-" okay then ill keep that in mind "

As naruto said that red opened a small rift just enough for naruto to squeeze through so naruto deactivates biju mode and goes through and gives red a thumbs up and a smile before going through fully when he comes out the other side he sees that hes in a coulorful forest but suddenly he feels anger and hatred but he manages to supress it he wonders ' why did i get angry and feel hate so suddenly?' To which kurama says " its nature itself trying to use you for revenge naruto whatever the humans have done in this dimension is not good" naruto just "sighs" 'ok im gonna purify this forest and take a look around ' as naruto sits into a meditative position he enters sage mode and instantly feels the malice of the world but he composes himself and starts purifying the area


kuroka touja is walking through the forest and notices how pure and calming the nature energy is now and instantly think another sage is around  so she transform into a black cat and extends her senses outwards after a minute or two she finds someone and takes off in the direct she sensed said person once she got there she saw a blonde teenager with cute whisker marks and what appeared to be orange eye shadow??? She also noticed that his chakra reserves are absolutely massive ' judging from the nature energy now it seems this person is pure hearted so i might aswell approach and see what he does while im in my cat form' she walks over to him and lays in between his legs to which naruto just ddnt even bat an eye at her but she soon got comfy almost too comfy as his chakra was soothing and made her whole body and mind feel at peace after about 3 hours naruto stopped puryfying the energy as he thought he purified enough thatll sustain itself from now on unless someone kills someone or animals in the forest he opens his eyes and sees the cats waking up from a shortage on comforting chakra ' i sense that this cat has chakra and some other energy mixed in that feels kinda unholy'  " so a cat that uses chakra thats suspicous now isnt it?"

Kuroka-" nyaaa~~ " she nuzzles herself against narutos chest and detransforms to her original state on narutos lap and wraps her arms around him  and says " hello cutie nyaaaa~~"  naruto flinched not expecting her to transform in his face like she did but immediately blushed like a tomatoe when he saw her assets and cute/pretty face as he says " h-h-hey and right back at ya cutie" and gives her the signature fox grin which makes her blush like a tomatoe also " y-y-your c-chakra it was so pure and calming how?" Naruto replies with a shoulder shrug " i dont know but what i do know is that this worlds nature energy is sinister so im purifying it so mind telling me why that is?" Her eyes widened a bit before saying " there were a total of 10 or 11 wars in this world though humans only know of like 3 or 4 that started from other countries " naruto was shocked " so much death and destruction thats why mother nature hates humans and other races so i guess i really gotta purify a planet by myself huh?"

Kuroka was at this point cuddling with naruto as he was releasing his chakra again with soothed her alot " hey um whats your name " naruto smiled at her " names uzumaki naruto what about you my little kitten" kuroka blushed and replied " kuroka touja nice to meetcha nya~" naruto was suddenly pulled into the mind scape and kurama and the other biju were waiting for naruto as kurama spoke " naruto there is a powerful entity coming in this direction i suggest you hide yours and the cats presences completly cause from what i sensed there emotions were full of malice bit for some reason there also emotionless at the same time " naruto smiled and left his mind and told kuroka " theres someone strong coming so im gonna hide our presence okay?" And kuroka nodded naruto masked there presence which nature and the entity landed in the clearing ahead of them it turned out to be a petite girl with black hair and two twin pony tails  she looked around obviously looking for naruto but kuroka called out " ophis is that you?" Naruto flicked kurokas forehead as she pouted but before they could say anything ophis was in naruto,s face and said " home you smell like home " and she hugged naruto tightly naruto was confused and decided to just sleep since he hadnt slept in over a day when he woke up he felt kuroka and ophis nuzzled up into his chest like puppies would to there mom but he did notice they werent in the forest anymore but he figured 'eh they probably brought me here when i went to sleep' kuroka was the second to wake up and she rubbed her cheeks on naruto like a affectionate cat would " good morning my little kitsune nyaaa~ " naruto just yawned and said " howd you figure out i was a kitsune i was sure i suppressed my chakra to a normal human?" ' cant tell her that its actually kurama but hey maybe one day i will' " because i sensed a ball of kistune yokai chakra in you almost like its sleeping?" Naruto just nodded ophis woke up a second later and climbed narutos body to nuzzle his chest more and said" home you were there recently" naruto was confused and said " home i dont think i was there i only remember some wierd void with colours and great red  helping me leave hes a chill guy i should visit him today" ophis and kuroka shot up outta bed shocked and ophis,s usual stoic expression was now one of complete shock and flabbergastedness " why didnt he kill you or atleast injure you like he normally would???" Naruto looked at them and said " because hes not as strong as me he knew that when he first saw me" when naruto said that kuroka fainted and ophis just looked at him in awe before saying" naruto can you help me get my home back? believe or not the place you mentioned is my home" naruto looked a little shocked " ok ill help you but im not killing or fighting him ill just ask him to share ok?" Ophis expression went stoic again and she said " ok as long as i get home back" then she jumped on narutos chest again as he let his chakra come out and she fell asleep as kuroka got up and crawled into bed feeling narutos chakra and she slept too


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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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