he hesitated... maybe it was better for him to just leave y/n alone. so, he did, pietro walked back to his room and went to bed.

he couldn't though...he couldn't help but wonder what made y/n's mood change immediately when he asked about why she was wearing a sweatshirt while training. he thought about it deeply, he knew he shouldn't intrude and be rude but y/n was so distant and was acting stranger that pietro decided to go back to y/n's room.

he creaked open y/n's door, he knew y/n was sleeping so he tried his best to be quiet. pietro went to nudge her awake but he stopped when he noticed something on y/n's arm. he squinted trying to make out what was there.

it was a scratch. did something happen to her while on a mission? pietro pressed the blanket covering y/n's arm down and stared in utter shock. from around the wrist area all the way up her arm reaching the curve of her elbow were scars.

pietro started to tear up at the sight. he knew what this meant, and the thought of y/n being in any kind of suffering or pain made him extremely upset. he softly grazed his finger along her arm and his breath shook as he sighed.

pietro wished she would've talked to him before she did something so fatigue.
"y/n." pietro whispered while gently shaking her. she was a light sleeper so immediately her eyes opened slowly.

"pietro?" she asked tiredly. she started to take in the situation and y/n's eyes widened and she pulled her arm away from pietros grasp. "I-I..." y/n tried to speak but was a lost for words.

"why... why are you doing this to yourself princessa?" he questioned with a heartbreaking tone. y/n's eyes instantly blurred from built up tears as she realized what pietro must have felt seeing her so vulnerable. "I'm sorry." y/n cried out quietly. pietros hand slipped to her cheek and wiped away a fallen tear.

"look at me." pietro demanded quietly. y/n looked up to her sad puppy dog eyes. "you have nothing to be sorry about y/n. you're extremely strong okay, please if anytime you feel the need to turn to harming yourself,  please come to me." pietro exclaimed gently.

y/n'a lip quivered, "I don't remember when it started pietro... I feel so alone, like as if my presence bothers everything, that's why I'm distancing myself...the nightmares are back again... and they're horrible. all the people I killed haunt me every night, I desperately just want to sleep peacefully but I can't." y/n explained and had to stop a couple times in between to stop herself from sobbing.

pietro listened closely. he wanted to just hold her close, whisper sweet nothingness into her ear to make her happy once more. little did he knows, that's exactly what y/n wanted him to do.

"it's okay, you're human... we are all not perfect, in my eyes you certainly are but you were forced to do so much unspeakable actions, but it's okay... y/n you're here. you're alive, and you're safe.. that wasn't you, you aren't a monster. you deserve better." pietro replied as if he was speaking throughly from deep inside his heart.

"you think I'm perfect?" y/n sniffed. pietro chuckled looking away making y/n giggle softly. "the point is, I'm here for you okay, you don't need to do that to yourself anymore. you're going to get better, and soon enough your nightmares will go away, I'm always here for you love." pietro spoke staring deep into y/n's tearful e/c eyes. y/n nodded and looked down scared to ask him to stay.

"first step, get a good nights sleep." pietro said breaking the silence, pietro went to stand up but y/n spoke making him stop dead in his tracks, "wait... can you um stay?" y/n asked nervously. pietro smiled to himself at what she had just said.

"of course princessa." he muttered back quietly. everything leading up to this now made pietro wonder about how under what circumstances would this have never happened. he pulled up the blanket and despite y/n's attempt to cover her arms he stopped her.

"you're beautiful." he spoke making y/n have butterflies. he held y/n close, her head on his chest and an arm loosely laid upon y/n's shoulder. here was his moment. "when you're not acting so cool, you have a soft side." y/n mumbled.

pietro kissed the top of her head, "I know." he uttered back. pietro felt the smile she had on his chest and he waited until y/n was fully asleep before he could too, close his eyes into endless nothingness.

that night, y/n didn't have a nightmare, and that night is where a relationship slowly blossomed.


the end. Loki really long (see what I did there lowkey... Loki.. nvm) I hope this was good,

but like I said, if your ever going through anything please talk to someone about it. Your mental health is far more important than anything, it doesn't matter if it's a family member, educational employee, friend, anything... your health matters, you're valid.

ok! on another note I hope you all enjoyed have a good day :))

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