After a couple of minutes of thinking over the information, "Alright. Everyone will keep their ears open to any news of Brienne and my brothers' whereabouts. I will write a letter to Tyrion, Stannis will probably attack from water in a place like Blackwater, and he should really call father for assistance, his army is still the best in all Westeros. What about news from Essos?"

"The Targaryen girl lost both her husband and unborn child to a witch, and after the funeral by fire she joined Khal Drogo and resurfaced with three new baby dragons. The people call her the mother of dragons." How horrible for her, I do hope she continues to move forward and forget about ever coming back to Westeros, she will meet nothing but death and suffering here.

We were talking over his and Tommy's investigation to find the mole when Oberyn came into the sitting room. "Flower we got a raven from your brother Tyrion. It says that to better the relationship between Dorne and the crown, your niece Myrcella will come here as a guest, apparently while we were away Doran already sent a ship to pick her up, she will be here in a week's time."

Too much is happening too fast, there hasn't even been a year since Ned Stark's execution. I am up and pacing, thinking of all the worst outcomes, like what if father doesn't get there in time and they take the Keep. They will kill everyone, Cersie, Tyrion, Jeoffrey, and little Tommen. "Davina, I really need you to calm down and sit." 

I keep pacing, "I can't calm down Oberyn, my family is at stake and I can't do anything from here, I don't even know if that letter will reach Tyrion in time, and Jeoffrey and Tommen are still little boys, they will be- *gasp*" I feel water trickling down my legs, "Beloved... "

Oberyn is screaming to the guards to get the maester to the room, I am still in place, my legs won't listen to me. Oberyn runs to my side and takes my face in his hands, "Flower, the babe is coming, right now." nonononono, "No, it is much too soon." He starts guiding me back to our chamber, "I know, but you have been under so much stress lately that it came faster."

Hours pass and the pain keeps getting worse, and the quicks come faster, barely giving me time to breathe. Like lady Dalt said I made myself walk as we waited for the babe to show, Oberyn held my hand every second. "Tayta, go get our daughters, I want them to be close by in case something happens to me." He squeezes my hand and whispers, "Don't think like that Flower, you both are going to be just fine."

"You don't know that. It is a great risk, my own mother nearly died when Tyrion came into this world." Another pain quiks and we stop for a couple of seconds, and then keep on walking in circles around the chamber. After a while I could no longer walk and so came to lie down on the bed. Tayta is running around the room ordering other maids as Elyn presses a cold cloth to my forehead. Oberyn sits in the bed, always by my side.

The maester positions himself at the end of the bed, "Alright you highness I need you to open your legs for me." Oberyn's head shoots up at his words, and draws a dagger from under the pillow, "Good gods Oberyn, this is your seventh child! Do you still don't know how it works?!" He regains his composure and goes back to holding my hand. "Well my lady you are more than ready, start pushing."

The pain is excruciating, I feel like I'm being torn apart. I pray to the mother to help me during this birth and yell at Oberyn every chance of breath I have, "You did this to me Viper, I am going to show you the slowest death after this child leaves my body!" He smiles, "Yes Flower. Come on, you are doing great."

"Come your highness, one last push." It takes everything in me, I feel so much pressure in my wide open legs, and all air leaves my lungs as I slump back onto the bed, and that is when I hear it. A babe's cry.

"Congratulations your highnesses, it is a boy."

Oberyn helps me to sit up straighter, "Give him to me." Elyn comes to my side and places in my chest the single most beautiful creature on this earth. Tears of pure joy come out as I cadle my baby boy close to my chest, his rough big hands reach out from behind me to cradle half his body. "Thank you Davina, he is perfect."


After delivering the placenta and cleaning both of us up, the girls helped me into a royal looking red dress, fixed my hair and jewelry so that we could greet our waiting people. A chair much like Doran's was brought for me so that I'd walk as little as possible through the Old Palace. I was just carrying my son when Oberyn came in. He has been wearing the biggest smile ever since our child's birth. 

"I brought you something... It is about time our people praise you as their princess" He kneels in front of me and reaches to place a gorgeous golden crown on my head. 

"Let's go greet our family and people, they must be so eager to meet their newest prince." He pushes me through the Palace until we stop right in front of the royal balcony, overlooking the courtyard where all of Sunspear awaits the reveal of my child. 

Doran, Trystan, and our four daughters wait for us inside with admiration and true happiness in their eyes. Our youngest Sarella said excitedly, "We have a baby brother!" Obella also says, "Congratulations, mother and father. He will be a great prince of Dorne"

Oberyn takes him from my arms as I leave the chair and places him back on mine once I am on my feet. He grabs my waist and says, "Ready, Flower?" I turn to look at him, to look at the man that has become my light, "With you, always."

Once we reach the balcony the people scream in cheers for their prince, Oberyn lifts up a hand to silence them and says with a puffed chest. "People of Dorne, today is a day of celebration! Today we give you a new prince" He turns to me to say our chosen name, a name to honor his beloved sister.

"Son of lion and snake... Prince Elio Martell."


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