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i will be using she/her pronouns for hanji in this, just a heads up.

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you rub your tired eyes, blurry shapes turning into the surroundings of your room. it was early, the sun barely peeking up from behind your window. hanji still hadn't come to bed. you check your wristwatch, almost 6 am. you groaned in frustration. almost every night hanji  didn't show up to sleep next to you. you yawned and stretched your sore limbs, cracking a few bones. time to go search for a mad scientist.

bare feet padded on the cold stone floor. you hugged yourself, trying to get warm since you were only clothed in your night garments. you heard something come from the courtyard, giggling and the sound of large animals. or..titans?

you pushed the large wooden door open, and carefully stepped into the muddy grass. there was hanji, laughing giddily as she poked sawney on the nose, and jotted in her notebook. your eyes adjusted to the light as you slowly approached her. 

"hanji-san?" you said wearily. she whipped her head around and burst into a large grin when she spotted you.

"what are you doing awake?!" she asked as you came closer to her, arms stretched for a hug. she wrapped her arms around you, smiling to herself as you embraced.

"i missed you, you never come at night." you told her. she frowned and pulled away.

"i'm sorry love, i just get so carried away with testing. moblit's been here with me!" she turned and pointed to moblit, passed out on a bench. "oh." you sighed and smiled at her.

"from now on, don't get too carried away that you never visit me, ok?" she nodded quickly, and gave you a peck on the cheek.

"do you wanna hear about how sawney and bean?" she asked excitedly. you rolled your eyes. how could you possibly refuse.

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