Strictly trianning

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Joe's POV:

Mum and I have been really excited for this day to finally come. Dianne had asked us a while back if we wanted to come and watch one of her rehearsals for The Strictly Pro Tour. Dianne had left really early this morning so I was all alone until Mum got here. And as if on cue the door bell rang, I ran over to my intercom and standing there was my mum with the biggest smile on her face. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door to greet Mum. After the 5 min trip to Elstreet studios we made our way to the very first studio I trained in when I was in strictly last year. I opened the door and instantly Mum and I were greeted by the smiling faces of the Strictly Pro tour cast. Dianne ran over and engulfed us both in a huge hug. "I am so excited to have you both here it is going to feel like a long day though so feel free to leave at any point."
My mum just nodded and looked at me while I smiled and kissed the top of Dianne's red hair. It wasn't long until Dianne was back rehearsing with the the pro's again so mum and I went and took a seat on the chairs behind them.

Tracey's POV:

Dianne and all the Pro's are absolutely amazing which makes sense since they are the professionals, but seeing them dance in person is so much different to seeing them dance on TV.  I could tell by the look on Joe's face that he was still so amazed by how good of dancers they were. After a few hours of training they were allowed to have an hour break, I watched as Dianne walked over to pick up her water bottle then quickly make her way over to us. Joe smiled at her and opened his arms ushering Dianne to sit on his lap. "So how are you liking it so far Ms Sugg?
I gave her the biggest smile and replied. " it's amazing dear" an even bigger smile then before appeared on Dianne's face as she turned to look at Joe. " so my dear what else have you got planned for the rest of this year you have already done the live tour and here come the girls, what's next for you?" Dianne looked at me for a little while like she was thinking what else she had planned for the rest of the year. "Well I have a few more weeks of training for the Strictly Pro tour and then a month of the tour, then I have to get ready for the Strictly cruise tour, and then I have months of dancing to prepare for the return of Strictly."
Dianne smiled softly at me as she finished explaining all that she has planned for the year. I started to feel tired for her that was a lot for one person to be doing. "My dear please don't wear yourself out I wouldn't want to see you get hurt or really sick."
Dianne looked at me a bit confused at first before returning back her smiling  face to answer me. " oh no I love it it keeps me very busy and dance is one of my favourite things in this world to do, and being so busy helps me a lot with my homesickness I tend to think about my dancing more and don't miss  my family as much or this one here either." Dianne looked at Joe and smiled as Joe lightly kissed her shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet exchange between the two. We had been talking for a little while when I noticed Dianne waving to someone as if to usher them over to her, sure enough another person appeared in front of us. "Amy this is Tracey Joe's Mum." Dianne said happily.
"Hello it's nice to meet you Joe is such a fun person we all love him here." Amy shook my hand and smiled I thanked her and watch as her and Dianne started talking about their next lot of rehearsals.  " so we have five more minutes before we go back to training and we have to get this dance perfect before tonight." Amy said and Dianne nodded. "Oh I can't wait to get dancing again my feet are itching to get back out there." Bothe Dianne and Amy laughed and continued to talked about how excited they were to get back to dancing, I couldn't help but smile at the passion that both girls had for there work in a way it reminded me of when Joe was thatching roofs how excited he would get every morning to be on the roof. It wasn't too much longer and Dianne and Amy where now back rehearsing Dianne ran up to Gorka and was lifted into the air amazement taking over both Joe's and I's faces as we continued to watch each of the pro's do what they do best. As the dance progresses they seem to get better and better with every step, I wish so bad that I could dance like that and I know that Joe always is amazed at how much they can do. As the end of the day progressed quickly it was amazing to see from the start of the day how much they had improved on an already amazing routine. Each and every one of the Pro's where amazing and I can't wait to see this live.
It was now time to go home Joe and I headed back to his place so that I could go home, Dianne said she wouldn't be back for a little while as she was having to do some work before tomorrow, so when Joe and I arrived back to his apartment I thanked him and started my journey home. What an amazing bunch of people all so talented, I am so glad that Joe has submerged himself in such a good group.

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