out for the night// smut warning

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y/n pov

Miguel and I had been partners in the Cobra Kai Dojo as long as I can remember, but things changed when he told Hawk that he kinda liked a girl in our class. I had such strong feelings for him for the longest time and i didn't know how to tell him, so when Hawk accidentally slipped like he usually does and told me, I knew I had to get over him. I did a pretty half-ass job, considering I still got flustered every time he'd text me or ditched someone to be my partner.

This one Friday we had class, I had had the worst day at school and my phone had died and didn't know practice had been canceled.  I had to walk home because I had forgot some clothes then I stumbled into the dojo 15 minutes late, only to be greeted by no one in the room.

Being puzzled as to why it was a ghost town, I look around and ask, "Uhhh is anyone here?", I then hear someone rummaging around the back.

"Hey hey! Did you get the text there wasn't any practice?" I saw a head pop out from the storage room door, only to see Miguel ,his facial expression changing because he's confused as to why i showed up, like I wasn't as confused as him. 

"Uhh no i didn't, my phone's been acting up? I was gonna ask the same thing to you"

"Oh haha I texted Sensei to say I'd come in to help organize, did you want to get some warm-ups in considering you came all the way here?" He said, dropping the heavy crate he was holding full of gloves.

"Sure lemme change really quick, I don't feel like working out in jeans" I said, continuing to rummage through my bag until i found decent clothes.

We sat on the floor and started stretching while striking up a conversation about a teacher at school and the class we had together.

"Yeah and when we had to give those presentations I was so nervous, I losing my shit, because you know shes in tha-" Miguel stopped himself and started to turn red.

"Who? Wait, Miguel, Who's in that class?" I said, dying to know who it was, who I was kind of competing with.

"N- No one, y/n, I forgot what I was saying. I don't remember where I was going with it-"

"Miguel I already know, Hawk told me you like someone, now quit playing middle school games and tell me, man."I said while playfully hitting his arm.

"Fucking Hawk, I don't know why I bother telling him anything. Don't worry, I'm probably gonna get over it soon. Besides, i know she doesn't like me back."

"Come on, who is it? I promise I won't tell anyone," I started flipping through who was in that class "Oh god, is it the girl with the french braids and try-hard grades?"

" Hhaha no, y/n, just drop it, you don't wanna know"

"Miguel i'm being serious I'll be your wing man, it'll be great." I couldn't swallow how fake that sounded.

"I told you to drop it, you can't be my wingman, i'm telling you-"

"fiiiiine don't tell me, listen i don't know why you would tell HAWK of all people but that's fine, I ju-" I said, feeling my face starting to turn red.

"Y/n, it's you, okay? I told you I didn't wanna say anything."

"Oh i- i'm sorry, you didn't have to-" I stammered, my brain being too cluttered with thoughts.

"Sensei told me I needed to let it go because he didn't want the drama being brought into the dojo"

"No it's actually kinda a good thing, actually" I said, raising my eyebrows.

He looked over at me, slightly alarmed, "W-wait, I'm the one you like? Aisha was telling me about it ye-"

"Wait, what? So you're telling me you never questioned it this whole time?"

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