Chapter 8: Let It Go

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you should get a job so you can afford one." Already can unlike you.

"Funny." She says with a sarcastic smile as they walk in and to greet the new owners.

"The house looks great Marshall." Piper says

"Thank you, we're mostly just restoring it we didn't want to change things too much. You guys knew the old owners right?" Marshall asks after the sisters greet the three siblings.

"We grew up with their kids, probably know the place better then you guys." Phoebe says hoping this conversation would be over soon so they could set Andy on Prue and she could leave, there was something about them that just set her on edge.


"How big was this dog again?"

"It was huge, did you not see the scratches on the attic door?"

"How did it get in?"

"I don't know someone obviously left the door open." Prue looks directly at Phoebe who stares back with a raised brow.

"I lived in NY. I know how to close and lock a damn door."

"Phoebe checked before we left. This is creepy. If there was a dog in the house then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door let alone reach top shelf."

"I said it before I'll say it again. We should get a security system." Especially considering all the crap that happens in this house.

"I told you, it's way too expensive. Besides after what happened Andy will be checking up on us." Phoebe rolls her eyes but shares a look with Piper at the mention of Andy.

"Well I'm still going to call around for details and pricing."

"I'm still not going to pay for it."

"Didn't ask you to." She says before heading to bed.

"Just remember to lock the door!"


It was the next day when Phoebe met up with her sisters for a late lunch after finishing her classes for the day when she found out Victor, their father,  was in town. She doesn't really remember much about him this early on in the show but she does remember how as a baby he would raise her above his head playing airplane until the day he had nearly dropped her because of a demon attack which had somehow translated into her aerophobia. It was definitely the reason she preferred driving to flying. The next couple days were a nightmare with Prue at her absolute worst after his visit to her job and invite to dinner.

She had gone with Piper and even had a good time until Prue showed up with her usual anti-Victor crusade. She knew she was supposed to be too young to remember but she just couldn't take it anymore when she brought him walking out. "Even if I wish he stayed close by for us I don't blame him for leaving when mom had an affair."

"What?" Piper's head snaps to her with wide and questioning eyes while Victor.

"What the hell are you talking about? Mom would nev-"

"You know?" Victor cuts Prue off.

"Know? What the hell do you mean does she know?" Prue stares Victor down before turning to her youngest sister. "You barely remember her. You weren't old enough to remember her."

"Maybe, maybe not. Then again I'm old enough to know how to read."

"Mom's diaries?" Piper asks. "Sh-she cheated on Dad? She wrote about that?"

"What diaries?"

"Mom's. Phoebe found her diaries talking about . . . everything. Being a teenager, growing up, meeting dad, having us, and this?" Piper turns to Phoebe. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Maybe it's for the best we have this conversation elsewhere." He cuts in raising his hand for the check.


After the drive back to the manor and a strange encounter with three crows flying at them they made their way into the parlor while Prue went to see how they had gotten in. Phoebe excused herself to grab the last diary that was written up until the day Victor had left after mom had told him she had been having an affair before mentioning that she was waiting for her doctor to call with the results of her pregnancy test. She had mentioned how she knew that if she really was pregnant there was no possible chance the baby could be Victor's because they hadn't been intimate in months. Phoebe knew one way or another Prue would turn this on her either by blaming her for not speaking of the diary earlier or for bringing it up in the first place.

She was right. Prue couldn't believe she had kept the books away from her once she saw mom's handwriting. Piper had even tried to defend her by saying she had some of the books too but that only made things worse. "So the two of you just never planned on telling me is that it?"

"For once in your life Prue don't!" Phoebe yelled at her. "The simple fact of the matter is that if it had been you that found them then they never would have seen the day especially not the last one. You know it's pathetic that even now all you can do "

"God just shut up! You don't know a damn thing about me Prue! And FYI I make more than you ever have in your life in a single year. The main reason I came back was for school and Piper and maybe even in some small tiny part of me deep down I had a smidge of hope that you would actually want to act like we really are actually sisters and you would want to form some sort of bond that doesn't include us wanting the other to disappear. And since you obviously skipped the last part of that back well congrats you're a big sister again cause Mom was pregnant."


"Phoebe . . . " Piper barely manages to whisper her name and she looks to where she sits next to Victor who has his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry Dad. Piper I'll call you tomorrow but right now I just can't be here. I know tomorrow is your day off and you might have made plans but just be here between 9 and 12 I already paid for a security alarm to be installed and if no one's here they can't do it." I don't let them get in another word before grabbing my coat and purse.


To Be Continued . . .

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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