"he's such an asshole tommy." you state, him nodding his head, agreeing with your statement. "i'm so sorry you had to deal with that, you're so strong." tommy quietly says, pulling you closer to him.

you continue walking along the pavement, his hand still folded around yours, not paying much attention to the outside world. so when someone walks up to tommy to ask for a picture you would be lying if you said it didn't make you jump at least a little bit.

"holy shit, tommy innit, i'm such a big fan!" a girl says, a smile wide on her face, one that reminds you of tommy's when he's around you. she looks to be about 16 or 17 years old, short bangs framing her face, but long hair swirls around her body, going all the way down to her lower back, framing her petite body.

"oh my god, y/n look, it's a fucking woman." tommy says, a playful smile on his face, his fan understanding the joke and laughing along with you. "can i maybe get a picture?" she asks him and he nods, standing beside her.

you don't realize how far away he feels, but the absense of his hand on yours makes it feel like millions of miles. he let go of your hand as soon as she showed up, your inner thoughts making you doubt how this boy feels for you. "maybe he doesn't want to be seen in public with you, or maybe he finds this girl attractive, you're not good enough for him." you try to ignore the constant banging in your head, but the words seem to be so loud.

"can you take the picture for us y/n? you look really nice today too." she spits out the last phrase, making you just stare at her extended hand holding her phone. "uh, yeah of course." you say, grabbing her phone and taking a few photos, her kissing tommy's cheek in one of them.

you want to cry at the last picture you took, tommy's hands wrapped around her small body, her being much shorter than you, even though you were already considered pretty short at 5'3.

you shakily give her back her phone, your face probably white from the lack of blood flow. you weren't mad, just upset with the way she threw herself onto tommy like he was an object.

he's more than an object, he's a goddamn 16-year-old boy, and people dare to be like that around him, sexualizing him on twitter, every tweet you see where they turned him into some weird character that you know he's not, makes you sad.

she walks off, going back into the shop she was just in, smiling to a table that was sitting near the window, saying something, and all of her friends laughing.

you look at tommy and he looks concerned, the look on his face says it all. "what's wrong?" he asks and you stare at him, fighting back any tears that may be threatening to line your waterline.

"she treated you like you weren't human like you were some object, and you were okay with it." you reply, your voice shaky and timid. "i'm not okay with it, but i can't do anything other than just let it happen. those photos will get lost through the thousands of posts a day on twitter," he says, softly grabbing your hand and holding it tight to him, but he hasn't started walking yet.

"but i don't like her saying what she did about you, they can do whatever they want to me, but i won't allow them to be like that towards you, you're too good to be treated like that." tommy says, starting to walk up the pavement again.

you smile at his words, a blush spreading across your face. "really?" you ask and he nods, softly squeezing your hand to prove the fact that he wasn't lying.


you're sitting on the couch next to tommy, reminding you of this morning, but instead of playing nintendo switch games, they insisted they went out and bought an xbox from some store.

karl was currently playing call of duty, killing any zombie that decided to get in the way. "so who's xbox is this?" tubbo asks, looking around the room, you quickly flash your watch, seeing that it reads 9:43 p.m, you wonder where all of today went.

"tommy bought it, but he already has one at home, so we don't know." wilbur says, tommy responds, "anybody can have it, i don't mind.". you look over at the blonde boy, your eyes wide, you know he spent around 700 pounds in total on the xbox and all the games.

"tommy that was so much money." you whisper, while conversation starts back up around you. "i know, luckily it wasn't my money," he says with a smirk. your eyes widen at his words, realizing that he was talking about using allen's mothers' money.

you feel a yawn bubble out of your mouth, whatever soup that wilbur made made you tired, your stomach still warm from the hot liquid. the soft rain on the windows made you want to fall asleep even more.

you softly lie your head on tommys shoulder and feel yourself fall into the void that is sleep. thinking about good things before you fall, hoping that no nightmares will appear in your dreams.


hi guys :))

writers block hasn't been kicking my ass recently, so this chapter is really long :)

also id like to say, this book is almost done, 11 chapters left, and the last chapter is going to be like flashbacks in tommy's point of view, his whole view over the time period of the story and a few months before. i realize this doesn't make much sense now, but it will when i write it.

i was also thinking i'm going to rewrite the first few chapters, i don't enjoy how they read, they feel very sloppy and like i was just throwing words out there.

i don't think you guys are ready for the last chapter, i already have it written out and i cried while writing it.

i love you <3


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