chapter two the news

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my mum slambed her fist on the door, not in a violent way in her i am your momma kind of way.

"go away" i said through the now decreasing tears.

"hun? whats up? im coming in i need to talk to you" she said as she walked in.

"what did that prat do to you my baby" she cried and threw her self at me and bundled me up in a hug.

i didnt fight it but just hugged her back, usually i would of cringed at the mushiness but not tonight. i was tired and my heart was dismantled.

"you really wanna know? ok well my boyfriend cheated on me with little miss blonde bimbo! and then kissed me and said sorry so i bit him and she pushed me over and walked off, um.... yeah thats it" i said, lip quivering and holding back the tears.

"oh huneeee, if only people could see how great you are" she said stroking my hair

"thanks mum"

" um hun, i know this isnt the best time but i have to tell you" she began "um you need to pack all your things up in the carboard boxes that are in the hall"

"why?" i asked suspiciously

"well, um... we're kinda moving to America"

i was speechless. i had no idea.

"im sorry mum but WHAT THE HELL!"

"hun, i need a new start and by the look of it so do you"

i couldnt disagree. i was broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2011 ⏰

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