Guardian Angel

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Keigo lounged in a comfortable armchair in a large, white marble corridor. His fingers absentmindedly tapping against his thigh. His best friend, Shinji, was sitting beside him, nervously biting his lip. Shinji looked at his friend who looked like he didn't have a care in the world and his already thin patience snapped.

"You could at least pretend to be nervous." He snipped. Keigo gave him a lazy grin. "I think you're nervous enough for the two of us and you didn't even do anything wrong." He said before a large set of double doors at the end of the corridor slowly started to open. Shinji jumped to his feet as if he had been electrocuted while Keigo slowly stood up as if he had all the time in the world.

A blonde-haired figure approached them. She stopped before them, first looking at the nervous Shinji before looking at the grinning Keigo. "How pissed is he?" Keigo asked, making the newcomer shake her head. "I thought he was going to rip out all his hair. He's really pissed."

"Have you tried talking to him to calm him down, Ryuko?" Shinji asked. Ryuko sighed. "I tried. Thankfully, I managed to stop him from coming to find you himself." She said, giving both of them a tired look. "Tsunagu always gets himself worked up about these things. I'll let him rant it out and everything will be fine." Keigo said confidently as he started walking down the corridor towards the large, open doors. Ryuko and Shinji exchanged a look before following after Keigo.

Keigo stepped through the doors into a brightly lit room. There were windows encompassing one of the walls, the curtains framing them, blowing on a gentle breeze. In front of the windows was a desk with a handsome man sitting behind it. His expression was stormy as Keigo smiled at him. "Tsu-Tsu!" Keigo said brightly as Ryuko and Shinji entered the room behind him, both wincing at the use of the nickname. "How are you? You're looking good, have you been working out?" Keigo asked, his attempt at flattery falling flat as Tsunagu's face darkened.

"You have missed every single class you've been assigned to this month." Tsunagu said through gritted teeth as Ryuko moved to her usual spot by his side, while Shinji stood beside Keigo, who still had a careless smile on his face. "Now that's not completely true. I did make it to a few... well maybe a couple." He said nonchalantly. Tsunagu slammed his hand down on his desk, "This isn't a laughter matter, Keigo." He ground out. He grabbed a pile of papers from his desk and brandished them in front of him. "Do you have any idea how much paperwork I've had to deal with because of you?" he asked.

Keigo opened his mouth to answer, but a swift elbow to the ribs from Shinji stopped him. "It was rhetorical." He hissed. Keigo rubbed his side where Shinji had hit him. "A decision has been made." Tsunagu said as he flopped back in his chair, dropping the papers back onto his desk. "You're being assigned to a human on earth."

The smile finally fell from Keigo's lips. "Wait, you're telling me that I have to be someone's guardian?" he asked incredulously. Tsunagu pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to fend off his oncoming headache. "That's exactly what I'm saying. Until further notice, you have to be with them, acting inconspicuously as their guardian angel."

"That's bullshit!" Keigo shouted. Tsunagu shot him a hard glare. "Language." He reprimanded as Keigo supressed the urge to let lose some of the more colourful swear words he knew. "There has to be some way to change this decision." He said, running his hands through his hair. Tsunagu sighed as he picked up a golden envelope. "I'm afraid it's already out of my hands. I tried to get them to let you off with being my messenger boy for a month, but they wouldn't have it." He said as he extended the envelope towards Keigo who glared at it. "You have two days to prepare for your trip." He said, his voice dropping and laced with guilt as Keigo snatched the envelope from him before storming out of the office.

Shinji looked at the tired looking angel behind the desk. "Is there really nothing he can do about it?" he asked, looking out of the door where Keigo had just exited through. Tsunagu shook his head wearily. "I really did try to talk them out of it and that having someone like Keigo as a guardian over one human was a waste of his talents, but they've had enough of his attitude. They want him to realise that just because he got promoted that he doesn't just have the right to do whatever he pleases."

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