Chapter 2

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How the robe looks>>

Chatters of male voices surround me as that's all I can really hear when I walk down the halls of Stratford School. Giving me glances every second not even considering how I think about these looks they give to me as they whisper to their friends, I finally got used to ignoring them. Three days have passed since I've come to this school to learn, and no one has still gotten used to a girl learning here. In those three days I've been here, I've learned all the rules I need to follow and got my dorm room which I learned was bigger than the other dorms getting me to cheer up from all these whispers about me. Sighing as the numerous quiet voices still enter my ear as I try to ignore them, I brush my fingers through my blond bangs. I wouldn't say my hair is exactly blonde as many people said it was more gold. But my hair never really catch my interest as I just leave it into pigtails.

"Astra!" A voice shouts getting my attention to look behind me to find a familiar black hair boy.

"Hey, Swallow. What's up?" I ask casually and he doesn't flinch.

During my three days here, I met Swallow just in two hours when I arrived. He was first shocked at my casual, yet polite greeting that we instantly became friends. It was both fun to talk to him as we both have nearly the same interests. We'll, actually, I just have too many interests that I can almost get along with anyone.

Facing Swallow fully as he stops I'm front of me, he says,"I need to ask you for a favour. Since this'll be your first time to come to church with us, I'll like to ask you to try to keep William awake. He always sleeps when we arrive there but it's important this time that he shouldn't. You see, some higher-ups are coming over and they'll like to see how our school is doing. So can you try to keep him awake?"

I chuckle hearing my cousin's personality,"That's William for you. Since he doesn't believe in anything that's not real. Sure, I won't mind trying to keep him awake. But don't be so sure that I'll be able to keep him awake the whole time. That boy can sleep anywhere."

He smiles from my comments before continuing,"Also, would you mind finding Dantalion and Sytry and tell them they need to go to the church this time. They always skip."

"Sure thing! Leave it all to me!" I smile getting him to smile back before jogging off again.

"By, Astra." He waves off getting me to wave my hand too.

Turning back to the opposite direction, I start walking again in a relaxing pace. My hands were behind me as I look up to the ceiling. It's going to be hard to get Dantalion and Sytry to come to church since they are demons and they become weak when they're there. But I do wonder how Nathan attends them? Now I'm thinking about him, is his real name actually Nathan. I don't think so. Sighing, I decide to ask the head boy about his real name later. Thinking of a way to somehow get both of the demons to come to church, I exit the school looking around for eyes stalking me. Nope! Quickly, I enter the forest to sneakily arrive at a small portion of empty space. Smiling, I search through my pocket to take out a piece of chalk. You heard me right. From my beautiful pocket, I took out a piece of chalk. The magic I make to happen. I'm too awesome. Keeping weird objects in my pockets is just something that I like to do, isn't it? Going towards a tree, a draw a small spell circle before putting the chalk away. Taking a breath in, I bite my thumb hard causing it to leak blood out. Wiping the blood across the spell circle, it glows lightly before creating a mini smoke. When it was gone, three beautiful bracelets float in the air as the chalk and blood is all gone causing the tree to look the same as before. Taking the three bracelets, I look around once more to see if I can sense anyone watching, and when I was sure no one was watching, I dash out of the forest.

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