Chapter 32

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The next morning we are up early for promos. We stop for coffee on the way. While we wait in line at the coffee shop, Harry takes off one of his rings that he always wears and puts it on my index finger. This small simple act takes my breath away. I take my hand with the ring on it and put it over my heart, to let him know without words how much this means to me. We both find it hard to stop smiling.

We arrive at the hotel where some of the promos are taking place. We walk in together holding hands. Many heads turn. We walk over to where the other boys are sitting. Niall is the first to see us coming. He jumps up and yells “It’s about time!” before coming over and hugging us. Liam gives us each a hug. Zayn says he’s happy for us and gives us both one big hug. Then Louis comes over to us. “Well, well. It’s about time you two figured out what we knew all along.” He laughs and gives us both a hug.

The boys have many interviews today and I help facilitate that. I am standing off to the side during the interviews and Harry frequently looks over at me and smiles or winks. It causes my heart to skip a beat each time.

There’s a short break during the interviews. Harry takes my hand and leads me around the corner. He smiles and then he has me up against the wall. I think we both know this has to be brief so our kisses are hungry and aggressive, our tongues moving perfectly with each other. First we hear someone calling my name, then H’s. We laugh, try to compose ourselves and head back into the room. Niall cackles. “Hey Harry, you got a little lipstick there mate.”

H turns to me and I wipe it off for him. Then we give each other a steamy smirk. I guess we got caught, neither of us seems to care though. I’m sure it’s only the first of many times.

The next interview the boys are doing is with a radio station and they are performing a couple songs live. Again I’m standing off to the side watching. Harry looks over to me often. My knees buckle at the thought of him thinking of me when he sings.  

Once In a Lifetime (Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant