Kissing,Hugging,and Tuesday

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Today was an tiring day. I tried so hard to tell Samuel my secret but every time I was going to,I chickened out. I didn't want chicken out but I'm such I wimp I couldn't help it. I walked straight to my room the second I got home and flopped on my bed,my face to the ceiling. Its hard to keep this big of a secret to yourself. You want to tell other people but you can't.

Its not like I'm the only gay one in my class, Ashton and Carter are gay for each other...but it was a few months ago when they came right out and said it. I remember last year it was the talk of the school for months but now its common knowledge and nobody cares anymore. But still...was I ready to be talked about and judged for months? I fell asleep thinking of Ashton and Carter and how easy it looked for them to announce their secret.

I dreamt that Carter, Ashton,Samuel,and I were on a double date. Carter and Ashton sat on the left side of the table across from each other and and me and Samuel on the right. I looked at Samuel,something seemed off about the way he looked. I studied his face. He still had the adorable freckles on his cheeks that fit with his tan skin perfectly, the short but gorgous hair,the beautiful brown eyes that lit up when he laughed...HIS LAUGH, its perfect, just hearing it makes my day.

We were all chatting and laughing saying "KILL'EM" every now and again. Suddenly, Ashton and Carter stopped talking and stared at us then at each other. They soon started to kiss each other,reaching over the table to be able to reach each others faces. I looked at them with a mix of uncomfortable and shocked emotions. I looked at Samuel and he closed his eyes and puckered his lips and drew closer to me. I noticed what was off about him,he had no teeth.

I opened my eyes and looked at my digital clock on my nightstand,6:32. I slowly got out of bed and rubbed my eyes. Tuesdays were always was my favorite day of the week,I don't know why. There are lots of better days of the week,but I liked Tuesday the best. I bet it says a lot about me actually, maybe that I'm always routing for the underdog.

When I got to school all the boys were talking about something. I walked to the biggest group of chattering boys and asked what everyone was talking about. They all looked at Samuel,who was fishing something out of his backpack. He stopped looking and brought out a small white envelope which he then handed to me. It was a invitation to his birthday party. I studied it for a minute then put it in my backpack. I was tryng to act like I wasn't really excited.

Maybe I could tell him at the party. The invitation said it was a sleepover too so I'd have plenty of time to tell him. I'll just have to take him to somewhere private to tell him. Easy! I hope...

"Sorry it was in a envelope,I know its really gay to do that..." he looked at Ashton and Carter looking uncomfortable,"eeeerrrrr-I know its really only a girl thing to give out invitations but my mom made me. She said it would cut out some planning confusion."

"It's OK Sammy Cakes." I said doing the I'm-not-gay-but-I'm-going-to-hug-you-thing. Instead,it really was a gay hug,I just wanted to hug Samuel. He still thought it wasn't a gay hug but he didn't need to know it wasn' least yet.

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